I have started reading again myselfe, slowley. I dont know which I have read before so I started over and will read my 4th scroll in 30 min (before I leave).
I have been fooling around with the images of the symbols, the libraries and the look of the scrolls. There are three different types of scrolls: old looking, normal looking and royal looking. There are also three libraries. But the scrolls are mixed up. I dont think there is anything we can do with it, but it just bugs me....
I also printed out my tablet and wrote down which library the sombols on my tablet belongs to. I got this:
astral, river, astral, astral
river, astral, astral, maze
river, river, river, astral
astral, maze, astral, river
almost sounds like a poem
dont know if it means something, but its so annoying that the FT is saying: "Maybe we can figure out something else."
and the next paragraph "the remainder of Neopia quietly watches a handful of Rukis making furniture. Remarkable." This to me sound like there should be something else to do... I know everything has been tried, I'm just stating that it bugs me....
I have tried to read the scrolls according to my tablet. I started with the symbol in the top left corner, and got the same "reads". Then I tried the top right corner and got "reads"again. I will try bottom left corner soon.
I am also trying out other doors in the temple. My statue symbol is DJO. I have tried all blue DJO doors. I am currently trying the yellow oval doors (my faerie was behind one of them), but maybe there are something more behind the others?
can you tell i'm annoyed with this plot now?
Please let something happend sooooon!!!