Jasujo, that story is cute. I'm sure it drove you crazy at the time, like banging your head against the wall crazy ... but look at it now

Kinda sweet in a weird way.
This other person? Well time/age doesn't matter as far as someone acting silly or inappropriate, dramatic or whatever.
I normally keep my neomails as friends only and have friend requests blocked. Right now neomail is open, but that's because I had asked for some advice on the BD last night ... and actually got it! from 2 really nice people. So refreshing from the normal n word I'm usually called if I ask something.
All giggles, snickers and fun aside, and I'm not trying to put a damper on anything ... but might it have been nice to blot out the person's username? You never know, they could even be a member here, or have a friend who is.