crio3mo wrote:
Here's exactly what she said "If you want to have another pet, your only allowed to have four, if you wanna have another one, you have to get rid of one of your others, and so you know, you'll send him to the orphanage, and they make you feel reallly guilty for it too."
This confuses me because they seem to be framing this as a bad thing. Server restrictions aside it's not a good thing to allow people to have infinite pets. The four pet system teaches responsibility. In reall life you can't have an infinite number of pets. And if you're going to get rid of a pet -- even a fake one -- you should feel at least slightly bad about it.
I also agree that monitoring childerns online activities is largely a parental responsibility. Espeicialy for the age range they're indicatng. I'm all for giving teenages and even pre-teans all the freedom and privacy that that individal is responsible enough to handle but a 5 year old? I wouldn't let a five year old on the interent unsupervised, even on neopets.