I'll summarize the entire thread as of currently:
The Beginning
- Discussion of the clubs and the androgynous Quiggles.
- Minor debate about the relevence of the never-completed Neoschools.
- Discussion of the use of intelligence for battledome and balancing out other traits.
- Back on topic and hypothesizing about the clubs. Ideas: Perhaps develop skill level of pet depending on club involved in, similar to increasing fishing skills.
- No one seems to be able to join clubs, however.
the_dog_god brings up their curiosity as to who the other Archivists are, seeing as there is just one located at /altador/archives.phtml?archivist=1
- Insta-poll on how many people absolutely hate Quiggles.
mogster500 posts a link to the quarry discovered in the lower trees of Altador @ /altador/quarry.phtml
- The search officially begins now.
We're On Fire
mogster500 brings up minor description of Hall of Heroes, the Janitor, and the Quarry.
Cranberry mentions the stars on the ceiling, others are still searching for how to get to that point.
- Suggestion that the statues could represent a sundial of some sort. (12 statues = 12 hours?)
- General explaination on how to reach the point of oil & rag:
a) Go to the Janitor and click the button on the wall
b) Go to the Archives and click book balancing table
c) Go to the Quarry and click on the flat rock
d) Go back to the Archives and click on the book again
e) You may now read Prologue of book
f) Go back to Janitor, he tells you that you need oil for button
g) Visit each statue until you find oil &rag
- Discovery that the location of the oil & rag is behind a different statue for each person. (Randomization.)
- Discovery of the staircase to the left after the room is lit up.
- The telescope is missing in the astronomy room.
- Discovery of the Astronomy club @ /altador/archives.phtml?board=6, the only club allowing members to join. Picture is broken, mentions needing telescope.
- Book in the Archives fills to page 3 now.
The Pause of Excitement
- People begin focusing on the gems on the ceiling above the statues.
hakuryu_86 relates the gems on the ceiling above Altador the Hunter to the TCG card "The Hunter" and the constellation of him with a bow.
- Some decide to put together the ceiling tiles on a single image.
soymimi wrote:
hakuryu_86 lists number of gems above each statue:
...20 above King Altador
...22 above Jerdana
...22 above Siyana
...22 above Kelland
...19 above Florin
...18 above Torakor
...19 above Darkest faerie
...22 above Marak
...16 above Fauna
...20 above Psellia
...17 above Gordos
...19 above Sasha
digital_anime_fan_20 links to the TCG cards for further inspection @ /tcg/checklist.phtml?edition=9 -- correlation is between names. (IE: statue: Sasha the Dancer; card: The Dancer)
theonlysaneone notes lack of similarity in shape/design between gem "constellations" & card constellations.
- Someone observes that in the room with the statues the window shows sunlight, yet up the stairs the outdoors becomes dark with stars.
master_cat finds that visiting a club other than /altador/archives.phtml?board=6 (ex: "board=5") results in revoking of membership in Astronomy club. Go back to "board=6" to get it back.
Conclusion: We theorize that we are done for now until we can acquire telescopes, and until TNT provides more clues to the plot.