Morningstar wrote:
Neopets should have done their homework on this one and I don't care what anyone says, they screwed up big time here. And not just with the ranking (which was totally stupid), but with the support system and, most of all, with their timing. OK, you have tons of high school and college kids who play and you start the war right as these school kids have finals? And end it on a Friday--the Friday that most kids in the US finished school--instead of the following Monday. Totally moronic--think of all of the extra revenue Neopets would have gotten if it had continued the war through the weekend. Kids, out of school, who could finally fight would have been online, looking at the stupid ads, and earning revenue for Neopets. Not a smart move.
I was very lucky. I found one game where I could scrape by and get the minimum 500 nps. And, I got 4 war tokens as RE's. But, I was lucky. I smurfed at all of the other games and absolutely refused to pay 150K for a request so I could get two points. No way.
I only wish that I could have bought that sidebar for my daughter and anyone who was unable to get even one point in the war. Because I really gave a smurf about my total points or my trophy. Because too many others were not as fortunate.
Neopets should have given that sidebar to anyone who signed up--whether they got a point or not. So not fair to dangle it in front of them and then smack them in the face because they were unable to get the required 1 np for the thing. Would have been very different if Neo had even mentioned this requirement at the onset of the war. But, they didn't, natch.
They gave prizes to people in the last war who got zero points--why not this war as well? I mean, after all, what harm is there in giving people who signed up the sidebar, for goodness sake?
I could go on and on and on about this--but I won't. I am just too disgusted.
MorningStar, you're once spot on on all the rotten apples TNT threw at us in this war. The timing is especially terrible. They started the whole thing a week before my exams, and ended it during it :/ If I was still be able to play I'd probly screw up in my exams because of it....Now I don't know if it's a bliss to have my account frozen wrongly like that
I agree with the sidebars should've been given to ALL who signed up. I couldn't get a singe point but I really like to get the sidebar neverthelss
All is not well done in this war...