vivian58 wrote:
Wow, that's fantastic!
However, not to be the downer or anything, but I predict people sending in fake reports saying they "lost" their Honey Potions, Maraquan Paint Brushes, etc. =P I hope they were able to actually check to see if you'd lost the items, 'cause if people start taking advantage of this, it'd probably get ugly.

I actually think that, somehow or other, they checked a log against what I reported as being lost. Because when I originally reported my loss, I stated that I had lost "about" 8 or 9 glamour neggs. However, after doing some checking later on, I realized that I had only lost 7. Today, I got back 7 glamour neggs--not the 8 or 9 I had reported. If they were going only on my word, I would have gotten 8 or 9 back--not 7. So, they must have been able to check my report against something to verify that it was a legitimate claim.
Also, it seems that they only gave back what I had specifically reported as being lost--and didn't check to see if I had lost anything else. I just realized today that I no longer had the pink apple lantern that I had gotten really cheap (80 nps) and had thrown into my SDB last weekend. I had forgotten all about it and didn't put it in my original report.
And, I hate to say it, but I really think that this might be a one-time deal. Because it affected so many people, perhaps Neo felt that they had to do something to compensate for the huge losses incurred. It would be nice if they did this for every little glitch that ate up an item, but I have to wonder if that will happen.
Still and all, it is much better than the message we got last November when the TP glitch occurred. At least, it seems that Neo is starting to care about its players.
Tested made this fabulous set for me!!! Isn't it great?