coming2atvnearu wrote:
The money tree is only helpful to those accounts lucky enough to been on a fast internet connection. The same people that can take full advantage of the new, larger games, RSing, and avoiding mass Volcano Run freezings.
These are the people that TNT wants to target to have fun. By being able to afford a higher internet connection they are more likely to have money to spend on merchandise and sponsors. This is the demographic that attracts the most attention for a reason: So they can make money.
And again, that's the true spirit of the site.
Okay I think that you lost me there.
Neopets want the largest possible market for their game -- i think anyone will agree with that. I highly doubt that they are deiberatly trying to target consumers by weath range through use of internet commenctions. All that's going to do is limit that target market. It isn't going to come as a shock to anyone who's played any online game or done much at all on the interent that sometimes people with faster connections have an easier time. This is hard to avoid if you're doing any kind of graphics based site. From my own experience doing professional web-work it's hard to keep file sizes down for that sort of thing.
Do I feel that neopets could and should be doing more to make the game more fair for people on slower connections -- Yes..
Do I think that they're deiberately shaping the site to the needs of only highspeed users in some elaborate plot to earn more money from merchendice sales -- No
Back to sort of the point though. I do see some of the drawbacks of donating things to the money tree. It's not particularly rewarding and you never know if you're stuff is going to some sort of camper.