yptee wrote:
I got a Green PB from The Fruit Machine before and I know somebody who got a Halloween PB from Test Your Strength.
I once got a Plushie Island PB from Snowager (but I think that PB is quite cheap, just over 11k)
What type of Nerkmid do you need to get a PB from the Vending Machine?
On my old account I got a plushie PB using.. hmm.. I think it was a Golden Nerkmid XX or just plain X. Probably XX. That was before prices skyrocketed because of the av, though. Stupid TNT. Way to ruin my not-so-secret moneymaking scheme
EDIT: I'm not sure if there's a specific nerkmid you need to use. I always thought that you could win PB's with any type, it was just much less likely with the more common varieties.
Stop me if you think that you've heard this one before...