metalmario wrote:
Why was the last shop disappearance thread locked? Mine was in that first batch of shops that disappeared, and it's still not back... sigh. Am I the only one like that? :/
No, there are still quite a number missing in action. Take a look at featheralley's shop--not one item in it. As is the case with some of the really big map/negg dealers.
And, what I find somewhat strange is that it doesn't seem like a lot of the big players that do have items in their mega-shops are playing right now. You might not notice it unless you buy neggs and then resell them like I do. Every day, I would see the same big names at the top of their lines with hundred of neggs. Since this has happened, I don't see those names at the top anymore. Their shops are still around and they still have items in them--but they don't seem to be playing right now. And, my biggest competitor on my line hasn't put stuff in her shop since this happened. And, she has played on a daily basis for what seems like forever, has a shop the size of Montana, and until Monday, was constantly underpricing my 2 or 3 neggs by 1 point and putting 30 of them ahead of me on the shop wiz--and doing so on a daily or twice daily basis.
Maybe it is because it is summer, maybe it is indeed my imagination, but maybe it is something else altogether.
EDIT: And, I can't figure out why that last one was locked either. Maybe because everconfused and I got on our soapboxes too much???
Tested made this fabulous set for me!!! Isn't it great?