AlligatorHater wrote:
Sure, I know the point of Neo isn't really to make NP fast, but you could always look at it like this:
There's all these poor NeoPets in the pound, with poor petpets attached. Now these Neopets that are in the pound are weak, and don't stand out, they may have silly names, people will be reluctant to adopt them. Therefore, there are Petpets sitting in the pound, quite possibly never to be homed again. Until I come along. I rescue the Petpet from its fate, sell it to another owner, who can use this new found friend with ihs pet or in a gallery. Who's hurt? Quite possibly the poor Neopet who won't ever get noticed, but at least the poor unnoticeable Neopet isn't also hindering the chance of the Petpet to be homed.
So I guess you could say I'm a saviour.
Or, someone that likes the quick bit of NP which can always be very handy. Of course, thats only one side to the story
You can also interpret it as this:
The Lenny named 'ihavenoname1234567' was fed well in the Neopian pound, unlike his previous owner 'abc12321' who left him there, unwilling to share a bite of his Everlasting Apple. His frienf 'white' the Feepit were living happily in the pound, playing games and being happy -- which 'abc12321' did not allow. One day, a evil NP hungry Neopian named 'AlligatorHater' adopts him. 'ihavenoname1234567' had high hopes that this owner was better than his last. No. after 1 minute after removing his friend 'white' the Feepit, he was carelessly abandoned, without even a 'Poisonous Lollypop', which was frequently given to him by 'ihavenoname1234567'. 'abc12321' returns heartbroken to the pound, never wanting to see another "Owner" again.
Anyway, I agree with Mystique: When the mods are grumpy, they freeze people who are going through loopholes of rules.
You can't really get a good petpet and make a lot of money. Restocking is more profitable.