I hate to get mixed up in a discussion about religion, but taking the Chinese out of Chinese New Year? I mean come on.. What offence is there in using the word 'Chinese'? The holiday originated from China, so why take away that part which defines it? Taiwan just uses 'Lunar New Year', because they're still trying to resist being a part of China.
Changing the name of holiday is a far graver offence than not celebrating it at all, imo. It's like the political correctness warfare over at the USA, where people 'take offence' at Merry Christmas, just because they don't celebrate it. How about
just ignoring it? Over there Happy Holidays also won as being the "correct" term (since there are many more holidays around that period), but you can you imagine the riots if someone were to try and change "Merry Christmas" to "Merry Birth of Jezusday", just because they weren't Christians?
If you want to celebrate it, do it the way it was intended and named. Otherwise, tap into the darkest, inner most hidden powers and try,
just try even a little... to just ignore it.
Morningstar wrote:
Or, that they would be opening themselves up to having to celebrate every country's unique holidays. After all, it isn't fair to celebrate a Chinese holiday, if you don't also celebrate a Dutch holiday or a Brazilian holiday, etc.
I think it depends more on the popularity of the Holiday. Chinese New Year is practically acknowledged everywhere, and more people celebrate it, or find the celebrations enjoyable. It has become more of a standard festival, like Halloween and Christmas. If they were to celebrate
every holiday in the world, they'd never get to our plot prizes at all anymore