Shifty wrote:
It's great. My only concern is if someone falls for a cookie grabber - then does the scammer get their pin code along with their password?
The pin is not in a cookie, so there's a help! Yes, it can be a slight inconvenience, but it only takes a few seconds to type that pin in the box. I'll take that small inconvenience over having to worry that someones's going to cg me, etc. and take everything I've earned.
The concern over someone getting the pin was why, when the beta testing started, so many of us asked for either the adding of the pin needed or a different pin (which I guess would be really hard to implement) for email changes. When the pin beta was first introduced the pin was good, but all someone needed to do was get into your account, change the email and have the pin emailed to that new (scammer's) email.
So, if heaven forbid you do get scammed, cracked, cg'ed, etc. - yes they can change your password but if you've set up and enabled the pin for your email, unless they can guess or try to brute force your pin, they can't change the email. No email change, no pin.
The only kind of odd thing I noticed last night, having had np in my till, was that the pin for your shop is only for stock, not your till. That surprised me, I thought it would be for both stock and till. So, if you're using a pin for your shop and/or your bank be sure to empty your shop till and deposit the np on a regular basis.
Stocks I think should be added. No, I don't have but maybe 2k in stocks, but alot of people DO have alot invested there. I also think the pin should be implemented for removing things from your neohome. There are people who've spent literally millions on them. And trades should be an option too. The TP has become a hotbed of scamming possibilities lately.
Overall, I think the pin is a good idea. Of course we all need to do what we can to keep our accounts and information safe (everywhere, not just neo). Part of that is having a very hard to guess/changing often password and if you're using the pin don't just use 1234 or 0987 or your birthday. Also not storing passwords and regularly clearing your internet and running scans, as well as watching where you go on the internet.
I think this is TNT's way of dealing with the rash of cg'ers short of actually putting something in the news, which we know they're not going to do. They're trying to help us help ourselves.