Michelle wrote:
Adam loves Hilary Duff wrote:
Remember that one day alot of people stop playing neo trying to make a point about something?
Why don't people do that again, except not playing to get rid of bad ads.
And have like many petitions.
And get owners of neo-help sites to post on the front of their site.
Thats a really great idea, but with all of the other neopet players, do you think they would notice us??
Adam, it was just about a year ago that the Day of Action occurred. I think it was a great idea. And, I participated in it. I don't think it had any effect on Neopets, but it did make me feel like at least I tried to do something, rather than just sit back and complain about how bad the site was (at the time, that is--I really think that it has gotten a whole lot better since then--except for the ads).
And, on that day, I decided not only to stop playing Neopets, but to also write them a letter about the flaws with the site. Even if it never got read, I, at least, made the attempt to communicate. On that day, I also spent several hours doing internet research on Neopets to see if there were public "bad vibes" about Neopets. And, I found quite a few news articles and national organizations that gave a bad spin on Neopets. It was quite enlightening.
And, may I say that it was quite hard to quit playing on that day last year. If I recall correctly, it was a weekend, a half-price day, and everyone else in my family was playing Neopets.
And, it wasn't like I didn't like Neopets--I loved it then and still do--I did it then because I thought, at the time, that it was in great need of improvement. And, a lot of those improvements did occur in the past year. The whole suspension thing. The compensation for lost items when major glitches occurred. The feeling that the staff is being more understanding, attentive, considerate than they were previously.
But, I agree with those of you who are totally disgusted by the ads that seem to be "popping" out of their blouses. If I was a parent of a pre-teen or young teen boy and happened to pass by him playing on the computer while that ad was on, I would definitely have second thoughts about letting him play Neopets anymore.
Neopets really needs to realize that if they don't tighten their belt on their sexually-explicit ads, they are going to lose the audience that they are so desperately trying to entice with their TCG cards, real life plushies, real life toys, and Disney immersive advertising. They probably won't lose the adults with those ads. But they might lose the younger ones. I know of many adults with adult accounts, who let their little kids play a bit of Neopets with them while they are sitting at the computer. Those parents might have a bit of a fit if they see dating ads while playing a game with their kid on their lap.
This is a family-friendly site. I don't want to see ads for birth control, internet dating, which celeb gets pregnant first or is the "hottest." Those ads are going to do Neo in. Why should a reputable company like the New York Times or the Wall Street Journal plunk down money to advertise when their ad is right after "Hotties Hotties Hotties XXX." Geez, we don't see that crap on TV, why should we be subjected to it on the internet? And on a site that is geared toward kids?
Like Shapu said, someone at Neopets has dropped the ball. Big time. And really needs to be fired because of it.
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