gathered from all the information ive got in the last 2 years, ive concluded that talador is continent on the other side of neopia. It was a great land of light... until one day the darkest faerie came..... and attempted to turn it into a great land of evil.... she did horrible things to the place, which is why she was prosecuted by the other faeries, and Fyora used Jeranna's Orb to petrify her and banish her to the bottom of the sea.... in the ruins of maraqua. Jerdana was a magical light aisha, somewhat like a sorceresss, who ruled over talador. Not like skarl or darigan though.... she was a good leader.
until the darkest faerie came... that is.... now, i know a WHOLE lot more about the plot, but this is all I posted to give you an idea of that land itself... talador. this is appareantly a talador thread, not a plot thread..... but thats cool, im awaiting talador as well. Cant wait for the spinning globe!