bdd1 wrote:
Setekh wrote:
same artists, no payback about it (and the sword of fire and ice came first, honestly!)
I've seen both cards, and I've been on the site long enough to know which came first. Fire and Ice Blade came out BEFORE the magic card. If you don't believe me, I was on neopets on BOTH the days they were released! But not only that, you said the cards were made months in advance, right? The Fire and Ice Blade was made two YEARS earlier, and last time I checked, two years is longer then a couple months.
You're right, the Neopets
item "Fire and Ice Blade" came out first. But the Darksteel swords (Sword of Fire and Ice & Sword of Light and Shadow) were released in the first part of 2004 and developed over a year prior. Most of the guys on the Magic development team work on the other TCGs as well, and in all honesty the Neopets TCG doesn't require the same amount of development dedication. When picking equipment off the site for the HatIC expansion, someone decided to use the artwork to imitate the Magic card. They had already done this with the "Pteri of Paradise" in the Mystery Island expansion.
Neopets TCG sales are nothing compared to Magic sales, and the cross-promotion boost was in hopes of drawing some Magic players into picking up the game. If sales don't improve (which I don't think will happen without a dedicated tournament system), the TCG will be axed.