AngelFoxBlue wrote:
Unfortunately, the "patterns" don't hold entirely true because if that was the case, who does the Wave match? It's easy enough to draw connections between Jerdana and Torokar (Protection v Gladiator), Gordos and Kelland (Collector v Thief)... and even, at a stretch to add Sasha to the end of the Florin/Fauna chain (the Dancer to mark the festivities after a harvest, etc.)
I just really can't see what pattern Marak fits into. Or really, for that matter, Altador.
A Dancer flows like water in her sinous movements. She must know when her movement should be as hard and fast as rapids and as slow and gentle as a stream.
A gladiator must move well to survive. He must flow and be strong like water. He must know when to give way, when to wear down, and when to swamp.
If yer looking for a connection, they all 3 of them deal with movement and subtlety. And passion.