Once I got the
third! star data coordinates and put them into the ever so useful and truly spiffy starmapper I got the constellation pretty quickly. I just enlarged the starmap to 1200 by 1200, used a ss of the tomb door, layered that and lowered opacity and moved it around until I found what I thought was the right spot.
The excel method won't work for me. I can get to the x, but when I try to do the y scatter I get an error about the minus signs that are in column B. So thanks again for that starmapper!
I wonder if we'll be getting a new map for every constellation. One thing (haven't read through this entire thread yet, so forgive if this has been mentioned) ... the long url numbers on the bottom of the tomb page? The first number was the same as the first number in one of the stars for the Sleeper for me and a few other people on the board. I didin't actually notice this until after I'd done everything.