That will not work. If I win my three pieces, and a score from my third hour carries over into a fourth and I end up winning that fourth competition, I get a neomail saying "you WOULD have won a piece, but you already got three today, blah blah blah etc."
The point is that no matter how you work it, those three scores from yesterday should only get you one prize (or no prize), not three. Wether there are lots of people in the next hour, or a trickle so slow it takes 3 or more hours to complete, you should not be able to get 3 prizes from one WC competition.
I don't know what you're trying to argue here. There's no way
those three scores can get you three prizes.
Hour one: You submit three scores. One other person enters, so your first score gets matched with them. No one else enters. Since there are just two players, no one wins a prize. WC carries over into...
Hour two: One more person enters. They submit one score, so your second score gets matched with them, leaving you with one pending score. Now there are three players, but no one else enters, so we carry over into...
Hour three: Two more people enter. One sends one score and one sends two. One score gets matched with your third one and the other two gets matched against each other. Now there are five players, so those of you who are above the line get one piece each.
You can still enter two more WCs and win two more pieces for the day, but as far as
those scores go, you are done.
The only way to win three pieces with three scores is to do what I do and go for high score for the hour (which means sending ONE score in an hour), or find a game where you just need one win for tally. If you send three scores in one hour, you can not win three pieces with
those scores. The most you can get is two -- if it works like this:
Hour one: There are already four or more players. You enter late in the hour and submit three scores. One gets matched and it's enough for a high-score win. You win a piece that hour and your other two scores get carried over into...
Hour two, where they get matched against other people and you win a second piece. There is very little chance that only one of them will get matched in this hour, unless only one other person enters (in which case it'll carry over into a new hour and you won't get a piece anyway). So the highest number of pieces you can get if you send three scores all at once is two.