okamotosan18 wrote:
Why do people act as if they have a say in who gets to adopt their pets? You can try to give it to someone, but you really don't get to choose. It says right on the front page that the pound shouldn't be used for transfers. Once they're in the pound, they don't belong to anyone, and it's fair for anyone to adopt.
I totally agree. If someone has adopted a pet we wanted to transfer and doesn't want to give it back, we have no right to get angry with them since they got it fair and square.
Missing Maui wrote:
Gee, I don't know why people would hope to successfully transfer their pets through the pound. Maybe because that's the only way to do it? Of course everyone knows the risks involved, but what choice do we have? And then for someone to demand a bribe to give it back -- yeesh!
But why should you want to transfer the pet in the first place? If you don't want a pet anymore, just let go of it and leave it to fate to decide who gets it. If you want it, you shouldn't even be transferring it betwen different accounts.
As for bribery, at least the person provided the option of you paying to get back the pet. That's better than people who ignore your mails and totally refuse to return the pet. I for one would not hesitate to pay to get back a pet that I really liked which got lost in a transfer.
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