kaisynaya wrote:
When I first started playing I HATED the game, but now that I'm more comfortable with it I don't think it's too bad. Granted, I didn't have any performance issues. As the slow movement of either of the two siblings was a little annoying, at least it made it easier to watch ahead on the right side of the screen for the helmet in case it was behind a tall stack of blocks.
Don't know if this is the case for anyone else, but my main hangup while trying to play tended to be hitting the wrong key on the keyboard (talk about a depressing loss of a life). I found it easiest to use two hands on the keyboard, left hand for the shovel, bubble, and spring, and right hand for helmet, shield and little jump (spacebar). It divided the mental processing I had to do about which one to click and it's a fairly even breakdown of using each hand (ie, always want to keep the spring available later on but you want easy access to the shield and the helmet too and usually for those (shield/helmet) its an either/or situation - great setup for level 5).
Then I practiced using Abigail for awhile, leaving my fingers in place even if I hadn't gotten the tool yet. After making it fairly reliably to mid-level 5 with Abigail, I switched to using AAA and the game wasn't near as painful as it used to be.
That's similar to my key strategy. I had my left hand on X through B with four fingers, as well as the space bar with my thumb, leaving the N key to my right hand. For some reason it made the most sense to me, though I did have a bit of trouble getting my right hand comfortable without resting it on the space bar...lol
(I also tried simply shifting my hand down a set of keys, but that messed with my brain too much...