Skynetmain wrote:
Could we get some sort of paint brush?

Maybe not a Lost Desert Paint Brush, but maybe have them introduce a new petpet paint brush. Give all your petpets a Lost Desert feel. A Lost Desert Snowbunny would look real cute

My idea for this (which I think would be awesome) would be a Cursed Qasalan Elixir. It doesn't affect your Neopet between 6 AM and 6 PM (NST) (IE : If I used it on my Jelly Kacheek, it would remain Jelly during those hours), but between 6 PM and 6 AM (NST), your pet would turn into an evil spirit/mummy/whatever Jazan was when evil thing. (IE : Cursed Kacheek)
It'd have a lot of room for awesome designs with the cursed look (Not just mummies...) and could be reversible by going to the Palace in Qasala (a new location) where Jazan meets you and says something like
"Guess my father's magic lingered longer than I thought. Here, I'll reverse the effects if you wish..."
By reversing the effects, your pet becomes a light being (holy looking/good/pure/innocent/whatever) between 6 AM and 6 PM and normal between 6 PM and 6 AM.
If you wanted to remove the effects, you could go see Nabile.
"Oh goodness, the {curse/spell} has changed your appearance somehow. I think I saw a tablet without the removal it is...
Do you wish for me to lift the {curse/spell} ?"
The potion should have three uses, but after using it once it becomes a Slightly Empty Cursed Qasalan Elixir, which is untradable etc (and then a nearly empty CQE after the second used, also untradable)