*trounces in at 3:47 AM x_X*
NEW INFO!! (Or at least, according to my resources)
Thanks to everconfused, I got some lovely screenies and information *huggles* THANKS!
Someone posted on the bd board last night, rather angry that kaos was getting the "credit" for all of this. InfamousX241 posted that he and someone named Xero (Luke) was really responsible for all of the codes. Xero is allegedly known around these places where infamous and kaos hang out.
This ups the team to
3 people. (I wasn't too far off.

) According to another member of our team:
Kaos (Chase) = public relations/'shell' if you will (we agree that he doesn't know much)
Infamous = host of CGer/part-time scripter
Xero = Main scripter/distribution of codes
Makes sense.
Also, someone named AliasXNeo (aliasxne0 and azultalons on the boards) was posting a url to what they said was something of kaos - -edited link- and last night was posting full js codes under the azultalons name on the BDc. I don't know if that's the same person or a "competitor". I also don't know what exactly he (or she) was posting. I do have a ss of one of the boards with the js code if that would help.
The screenie wasn't in the album.. maybe you can upload it/link me there?

I'm not that informative on hacks/programs.. though another mod is slightly skeptical if its truly aliasxneo. I'm too paranoid to check the link.. and of course, I don't see the code.. so I dunno. 'Sides, me and others agree he's more a programmer. Competitor... possibly. But highly unlikely. Unless he found the directory as well (which i'm slightly unsure about) he cannot be one, unless he has his own CGer.
Lastly, there is someone called londonxcalling on neo - Michelle - who is apparently a minion of kaos and was posting boards over the weekend giving stolen items to other users and claims to be a very good friend of kaos. I don't know any other name for her, but she posts a decent amount and seems very proud that she's involved at all with this.
I highly doubt that she IS a member.. though there is a small chance she is. Probably wanted some attention... and blah. You can assume a lot about one person if they know a lot about something. (I was accused of being 'Kaos' at least 20 times due to knowledge-posting on board. ><')
I have a fair few screenies.. though i'm rather reluctant to put them here. Why? It's due in part to the code dolphinling posted. Informative yes, but it included the link to the CG directory. At that, somebody attempted to flood the CGer (good attempt at 500k - try our 7.5MB

). Meh.. I'm not too worried about that. What I
AM worried about was a post that someone put at the forums at that link.
A person decided to act as TNT and post accusations and threatened to file a lawsuit in a way. His claim (assuming it is a male) was that he was trying to warn the owner that someone was using his space to host such a thing. My only problem is this.. while a person can have access to webspace (assuming it's given) - it's unlikely that he can, unless he forced his way in.. do you see where I'm going with this? A'sides.. the post had horrible grammar.. which insinuates this person is no where near affiliated with TNT.
Anyhow yeah. Since the screenies post his info.. I rather not have hoards of people attack him. Might as well send it straight to TNT (though.. still pending).