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 Post subject: Neopet Interaction
PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 7:20 pm 
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Quoting smudgeoffudge and meer from another topic:

smudgeoffudge wrote:
People who don't understand Neopets think it is all about the fighting of pets. They think that is the point to it. But lots of people play and don't fight at all, or only fight in the wars. Still, we get left out some. I wish we had more interaction with our pets somehow, more things to do, and prizes that are fun for everyone, non fighters and fighters.

Meer wrote:
Yes yes YES! I've thought that lots of times. I wish there was more interaction with the pets on neopets. More stuff you could do with them, and more poses. Like... you could do something and they could be in a running pose, maybe you could enter your pet into races? Or they could fall asleep. Wouldn't sleeping poses for all pets be cute? Or some sort of playing pose when you played with them. And those collars and other neat clothes items, I wish you could actually put them on your pet, and they would show up in the images! Of course, that would be a lot of work for the artists, but phht! That's what they get paid for. Those are so ideas that wonder though my head from time to time.

Anyway, there is a lot more interaction they could add, and more cool actives and prizes they could do that don't have to do with battling. Battling is fun, but there's more to life. ;)

This is something I've often thought as well. For example, I used to wish that it was harder to keep your pet at "delighted" so that the game would be more interactive. (Although now that they have the random event where sad pets turn blue, I'm glad that it's easy to keep them happy.) At this point, there are so many clothes and so many neopets that they'll probably never make clothes wearable. But, I think racing pets is an interesting idea!

I was curious, do other people feel this way also? I think having more of an interactive element would make it funner for younger players also.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 9:49 pm 
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Yeah. But I guess TNT have enough on their hands to draw and create new poses, every pet in every colour wearing clothes and all that.

I guess there should be something related to all pet species like "Poogle Races"... you know, enter one of your pets in the competition and then see who'd get to the finish line or something lol.

But I like the fact that you can talk to your petpets :>


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PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 10:15 pm 
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I'd like more done to neohomes, if possible.
Being able to see your pet sleeping would be cute.
Having them say more when you play with them would also be nice. Having some cute animations that happen when they play would make the game a lot more fun.
I know it would take an immense amount of work, but I think they do need to put the focus more on the pets themselves, instead of always having a war. They need to reward good pet owners who don't fight.

I thought of a fun idea for each pet. Each pet has something special that it will drop, maybe once a week. For example, Eyries could lose a feather or some hair from their tail. Krawks could lose a scale or a claw. Buzz could give you honey or shed skin. Hissi could give you shed skin. Each pet would have something special it could give you! You could use these parts to make potions, sort of like at the cooking pot. But you'd have to make friends with other neopians to get the other parts you need, or find it on the ground. These would be very common random events that just about anyone would get every day. Such as, "You find some uni hair in a bush." Or "You brush your pet and save the hair." or something like that. People around the site might ask for it too. Such as "Edna wants "Acara claw" or something.

Or maybe you would get a message from your pet "Your pet says "I met a really nice pet named _____ today." And you could neomail the owner and become friends with them.

Or your pet would say "I am very afraid of a pet named _____."

You know how you get a choice of if your pet would smile nicely or run away or bully other pets? Well, it doesn't really happen. But it would be funny if it did.

Your pet says "A pet named ______ teased me today." Or I teased a pet named ______."

It would just be for fun though. If your pet is teased a lot, there should be a way they can become friends too, somehow. They shouldn't make it so that if a pet teases a certain pet, it will always tease that pet. They should make it so you get a choice of what to do if you get teased.
Like it would say "Your pet teases a pet named ____. Click here.
Then you can make your pet say it is sorry or make it think of something nice to say. The more you work with the pet, the more you can retrain it to be good or to be nasty. You can have a nasty pet if you want one, but the most it would do is tell someone they have a spotty bum, or "I think you have fleas!", or something silly, but it shouldn't be too offensive.

I think there should be a way for pets to share food or toys somehow. I don't know how that would work. But maybe you'd be playing with your pet, and another person who is online may have a pet. And it would pop up "Hey can I play?" and then your pet could share the toy somehow. You wouldn't need to trade or anything. It would just say something like "You share "wooden cart" with a pet named ______ and you both have a good time." or something like that.

Or you could be about to eat and another pet could say "Can I have a bite of that?" and you could share a bite. I don't know how that would work, because then it might degrade the economy. Maybe it would only work with cheap foods or something. I think if another pet gets a bite, it should be filled up a little, or made happier, or gain some health.


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PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 11:13 pm 
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On a not completely unrelated side-note: I had a RE today I'd never had before: 'Vasantesanah says: 'You're the best!' :)
It really touched me, especially seeing how she's the pet I'm currently looking to finda new home for... :(



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PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 11:33 pm 
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How about if you are about to eat something and you have it in your inventory. Then you get a message "A pet named _____ is hungry and says "Can I have a bite?" (This would only work if a pet is hungry and the owner is currently online. You could only share common foods that aren't rare or foods that don't do something special.) It would also be fun to share toys with pets that are depressed. It would only work if the owner was online and the pet was unhappy or depressed. It would say "A pet named _____ says, Can I play too?"

Or maybe you could get a random event that says "Hello, my name is ______ and I have been in the pound a long time! Will you give me a home?" This would only work for pets that had been in a very long time. This would give them a chance to be discovered in the pound. Some pets get pushed to the back and don't appear during refreshes. I think some good pets are in there, only no one knows the names.


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PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 11:51 pm 
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smudge, some of the ideas you have sound cute, such as your pet giving you a dropped scale, or a lock of hair. You could try submitting it through their ideas/comments form.

pardona_ii wrote:
On a not completely unrelated side-note: I had a RE today I'd never had before: 'Vasantesanah says: 'You're the best!' :)
It really touched me, especially seeing how she's the pet I'm currently looking to finda new home for... :(

Aww, that's so sweet.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 11:59 pm 
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Great ideas Smudgeoffudge,

I also like the pets racing Idea, It could be sort of like the world challenges your pet would compete against other pets that entered.

I think it would be neat to get rid of the Kads(yeah,hiss,hiss) and in their place put pets that are in the pound. It could be designed just like the Kadoatery where the pets can ask for anykind of food. Atleast we would know that the pounded pets aren't going hungry.

I would also like it if we could create little mini versions of ourselves. You could dress them in the clothes that stock at the Uni clothing shop. If you didn't change your clothes often enough they would get ragged and have holes in the knees and look worn. Also it would be cool if when you first create an account your little mini version would be a baby and as time progressed it would get older and older untill it was wrinkly with grey hair or white hair. The little mini version could be placed on your User lookup right were those stupid ugly badges are. It could also be placed next to your pets on there individual pages.

Speaking of pets, I think they should let you have as many pets as you like. But I think you should get the first four for free, then if you want any other pets you should have to pay 5,000 to 10,000 per pet that you want.
Then they should put in place a system that if you didn't feed your pet or play with your pet often enough you would get three warnings from TNT. First warning says "you need to feed your pet or risk having them taken away" . The second and third states the same. If you still don't feed your pet then it's taken away and put into the pound or just removed from the servers. That way the people could have as many pets as they like as long as they feed and take care of them. If you get to many pets taken away than your account is suspended.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 12:00 am 
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I thought of a fun idea for each pet. Each pet has something special that it will drop, maybe once a week. For example, Eyries could lose a feather or some hair from their tail. Krawks could lose a scale or a claw. Buzz could give you honey or shed skin. Hissi could give you shed skin. Each pet would have something special it could give you! You could use these parts to make potions, sort of like at the cooking pot. But you'd have to make friends with other neopians to get the other parts you need, or find it on the ground. These would be very common random events that just about anyone would get every day. Such as, "You find some uni hair in a bush." Or "You brush your pet and save the hair." or something like that. People around the site might ask for it too. Such as "Edna wants "Acara claw" or something.

That actually sounds like alot of fun. Maybe you should try submitting it.


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PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 12:26 am 
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smudgeoffudge wrote:
Or maybe you would get a message from your pet "Your pet says "I met a really nice pet named _____ today." And you could neomail the owner and become friends with them.

Or your pet would say "I am very afraid of a pet named _____."

You know how you get a choice of if your pet would smile nicely or run away or bully other pets? Well, it doesn't really happen. But it would be funny if it did.

Your pet says "A pet named ______ teased me today." Or I teased a pet named ______."

It would just be for fun though. If your pet is teased a lot, there should be a way they can become friends too, somehow. They shouldn't make it so that if a pet teases a certain pet, it will always tease that pet. They should make it so you get a choice of what to do if you get teased.
Like it would say "Your pet teases a pet named ____. Click here.
Then you can make your pet say it is sorry or make it think of something nice to say. The more you work with the pet, the more you can retrain it to be good or to be nasty. You can have a nasty pet if you want one, but the most it would do is tell someone they have a spotty bum, or "I think you have fleas!", or something silly, but it shouldn't be too offensive.

I think that would be really fun! I've been thinking about how one could meet other pets or users on Neo, without going on the boards and randomly clicking on usernames. I hadn't really realized that the only way pets actually interact with other pets (aside from on the RPG boards and such) is through the battledome. I'm sure that TNT can come up with something more interesting than that, I'm just not sure if they can actually implement it.

Oh, everyone thinks I'm crazy, just 'cause I try to warn people about the face-sucking aliens headed for Earth. Yeah, laugh now, have your face sucked off later. When the aliens come, I'll be the only one left with a face, and I'll be using that face to laugh at all of you, even though I'll be sad.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 12:35 am 
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Well I have submitted these ideas. I know staff sometimes visits these boards and any ideas they may get from here is fine with me.


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PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 1:01 am 
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I think the mini-owners thing is a really good idea :P But I'd probably only be happy if there were, like, THOUSANDS of choices for hair, skin, eyes, clothes, etc. xD To avoid too many users looking like the same person.

I know this would take LOADS of work, but I wanna be able to put my items in my neoHome. Like, they'd stay as pictures in my Inventory, but you can put them into your neoHome too, on top of a table or on the floor, or (this'll take even more work,) into a drawer and when you click on the drawer it opens up and shows you what's inside xP And THEN, you can images of your pets walking around in your neoHome, and then you can opt to make them use an item (eg. Brush their hair.)

Oh, and I wished the pet's appearance could change. Like, when you first create them they're babies (not like the baby paint brush types, more simple,) and then in a few months they looked like toddlers, and so on, until they're in their late teens or something, then they stop xD


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PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 1:09 am 
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Neopets should be like runescape or something. Now, i've played runescape once, but the whole "not high resolution easy to play internet mmorpg with lots of diff servers" would be cool.

Then we could actually explore properly with our pets, controlling our active and items we buy on the online website we can have in our inventory for the game :D

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 1:25 am 
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Actually I'm runescape right now! Oh and they are working on making graphics better. The old origami like dragons look real now. They are still working on everything, but doing a good job so far.

You know, when the snowager attacks he attacks YOU and your pets. But YOU are always ok afterwards. I mean, you don't have to heal yourself. I don't know if I would want to though.


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PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 2:01 am 
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Wow, these are all such fun ideas. I especially like idea of having more REs where your pet talks to you. Those would be fun, especially if they were linked to those pointless personality traits you pick out when creating a pet. :)

I'd like to see some sort of Neopet playground--wouldn't have to be complicated; they could just set it up so that there's a place where you can watch an animation of your pet playing with a ball or on a jungle gym, something like that. It'd be fun.

zorg wrote:
Neopets should be like runescape or something. Now, i've played runescape once, but the whole "not high resolution easy to play internet mmorpg with lots of diff servers" would be cool.

I think there was supposed to be something like that way back in '99, but it had fallen by the wayside before even I joined. It sounded cool from what I heard about it, though.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 2:22 am 
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octochan wrote:

I hadn't really realized that the only way pets actually interact with other pets (aside from on the RPG boards and such) is through the battledome. I'm sure that TNT can come up with something more interesting than that, I'm just not sure if they can actually implement it.

It would be nice if there could be some kind of group activity competition. The owners would train their neopets individually, and the the peformance of the group would depend on collective stats of the pets in the group. Going with the race idea, it could be like a relay or something.

_jade_em_ wrote:

I know this would take LOADS of work, but I wanna be able to put my items in my neoHome. Like, they'd stay as pictures in my Inventory, but you can put them into your neoHome too, on top of a table or on the floor, or (this'll take even more work,) into a drawer and when you click on the drawer it opens up and shows you what's inside xP

Well, i think too much change to the neohome format would upset some of the avid neohomers, because often some of the most gorgeous neohomes are based on using things other than what they already are. For example, using windows as doors, tables as rugs, etc. So making things too realistic might change that.

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