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PostPosted: Sun Nov 10, 2024 5:55 pm 
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What double post?


PostPosted: Sun Nov 10, 2024 9:00 pm 
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Editing an 11.5 year old post WOULD be kinda ridiculous. I actually forgot this thread existed (even though it's pinned). :P

Regarding training, until we know if TNT is actually going to add more strength/defence/movement boost's hard to say what the best thing would be to do. If you were willing to sacrifice your pet's species temporarily, you could morph to something that does NOT get sick while eating Neggs, then use a morphing potion to switch back (Halloween Tonu Morphing Potion is in the 250k-ish range right now). Just a thought.
The level 500 abilities are once per day, so while they do pack a punch...they're not the end-all-be-all (unless they become useful for some specific challenger that is much harder).

With how crazily easy good weapons have been to get lately (this list includes mostly ones that have been given out somehow or another), a "new" bog-standard decent set would probably include:
1. 100% freezer (Thunder Sticks or Sleep Ray)
2. 100% healer (LEV)
3. Bomb (Ghostkerbomb or Varia is the Bomb) - this MIGHT be better to drop go with other specific items for a challenger, depending on the situation
4. Strong offensive weapons (Grapes of Wrath and Wand of the Dark Faerie are both in the current prize shop, but Illusens Staff, Sword of Malum, or Blazing Embers would fit the bill, too...or if you got lucky and got a Seasonal Attack Pea last year from Advent Calendar...)
5. Second strong offensive weapon
6. 100% blocker (Thyoras Tear is in the current prize shop) or alternative shield or percentage blocker like Downsize!.

The last two slots are usually what I tailor towards specific ridiculously difficult challengers. Of course, it goes without saying that if they do truly fix stealing, a stealer could be useful in one of these slots. Dual duty weapons (like The Mystical Tablet or Blaze) do well in these slots, as well as any other high-percent-based reflectors. If you have both Wand of the Dark Faerie and Illusens Staff, you could technically use them both. For more difficult opponents, like the Fearsome Five (Qasalan Mummy, Space Faerie, Chiazilla, The Drenched, The Snowager), you really have to look at what icon types they deal the most of and try to have reflectors or 100% blockers of those icon types. Without knowing exactly what you're trying to beat, it's hard to decide on these two slots.

I'm a bit geeky, but I made myself a chart of what weapons I have by group (offensive only, dual duty, %defence, %reflectors) and sorted them roughly by icon type. Said chart took a bit to create as I took screenshots of the IDB overview info of each one and cropped it and arranged them to make it easier to see icon types, etc. when it comes to harder opponents, I can quickly see what weapons I have that can block/reflect the types they attack the most with, or deal icon types that they can't block as easily.

As a reminder, I posted a list of weapons from more recent events in the first post of the plot info thread, and the ones that are currently in the prize shop are listed with their stats in the next reply of that post, as well.

Item Drops Info
This is the CURRENT information, as provided by neo_truths over on reddit a while back. The minute TNT starts tweaking drop rates, etc, this will probably go out the window.
The best arenas for codestones are Dome of the Deep (1.5% chance for regular, 0.8% for reds) and Neocola Centre (1.5% chance for regular, 0.85% for reds, plus a 0.5 % chance at Armoured Neggs). It should be noted that Rattling Cauldron has the same odds as Dome of the Deep, but for some reason, no one seems to battle there for drops.
Not getting a challenger-specific item means more chances at general arena prizes. That being said...
Dome of the Deep: Koi Warror on hard has a 97.2% chance of NOT giving you a challenger-specific item and Giant Spectral Mutant Walein on hard has a 98.5% chance.
Neocola Centre: Commander Garoo has NO challenger-specific drops at ALL. Robo Grarrl and S750 Kreludan Defender Robot on hard both have a 90% chance of no challenger-specific items (Robo Grarrl gives out Lucky Robot's Foot as one of his).
With all that in mind, though, I know some people seem to have more luck with codestone drops with one of said challengers than with others. I have no idea why this is, because the odds should be the odds.

Current best NP drops (if you want to max out your 50k per day)
Tekkitu the Witch Doctor hard - 750nps
Evil Sloth Clone hard -600nps
Giant Hungry Malevolent Chomby hard - 1500 nps (will probably take 3 rounds if not more, depending on your weapons, so might not be as efficient)

Sabre-X's RE is currently broken, so you won't be able to get him as an opponent.
Turmy, JellyNeo will set off an alert if the hour window is found. Neoboards often will, too.

I hope this helped?

Set by KiTeNcHeTu!
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 10, 2024 9:52 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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Thanks, Pickles! This is awesome! I used to always battle the Walein, but I might switch to Commander Garoo for the extra 1% combined chance of (reds + armoured negg).

Though today I had fun battling the flaming meerca on easy to get some of his unique items (some of which are, or at least were, Tavi items), I didn't get any codestones. So until they tweak it, I think it's best for me to get as many as I can for now, then experiment more in the dome later.

I used to have a spreadsheet too, and I really should make one for my current weapons to see what I might need and how best to fill any gaps, before it's actually necessary (when prices will be ridiculous). I can't imagine being able to beat the GHMC, but if I equipped my best weapons and researched it, maybe I could? Three+ rounds for twice the NP doesn't seem worth it. 67 battles doesn't actually take that long, but it's so tedious... But I'll just do what feels right, and maybe throw some in when I want to veg out and watch something.

P.S. I'm open to zap-training this pet. It was supposed to be available for people who needed the avvie, but she's so overtrained now it would cost too much to transfer, and anyway, everyone already has it.

It's kind of crazy to think how high Grainne's level and HP would be now had I just been allowed to keep training her, because this one is where she was when I got frozen, and started from nothing. And I was lab-training, which was a lot faster. Oh, well. That's why TNT will never ever get a dime from me.

I should complete the lab map and start zapping, though I'll end up having to train defense along with HP and level... I'll have to look into the average stat effects and see if it's really worth it. I could start kitchen quests, but I hate restocking more than anything...

If I get my main back, I could transfer some of Grainne's weapons (heavy robe of thievery, if that's fixed and I get my battle pet's movement and intelligence up, plus the trident), since at this point I assume I'm stuck finishing the plot on this account.

Blue graffitied on my signature... But it made me laugh, so it's all good!

PostPosted: Sun Nov 10, 2024 10:25 pm 
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Prices on really good weapons that are not currently or recently obtainable in a prize shop or quest log pool are already through the roof - they have been since a plot was announced. Many of the retired HT items did come down in price when the capsule was only 10 mil, but the better ones are already starting to go back up again. That being said, you probably have (or have access to in a prize shop) plenty of ones that will be more than adequate except against the most difficult challengers.

You might be able to beat GHMC, especially since you've got the max strength boost. Lens Flare + 2 hard hitters for round 1, then Warlock's Rage + 1 hard hitter & 1 freezer for round 2, then 2 hard hitters + Icicle for round 3 would get you a good start at the very least - you shouldn't be touched for those three rounds, so it's a question of taking him out round 4 if you hadn't already done so. Just remember that T-Tear does NOT prevent abilities, only weapons.

I refuse to zap-train my battle pet. I spent WAY too much time evening out her stats after having zap-trained her to begin with (and thus suffered in the Curse of Maraqua plot as her HP was way out of proportion from her other stats). I also don't want to deal with losing too much defence and certainly not the constant level training that I'd have to do in the end.

That being said, if you're not set on a Tonu, you might consider morphing her into a Pteri, since they can be cured of any disease by feeding them something with "worm" in it (which will also make them bloated). As an added bonus, you could then paint her candy had have her fight in the BD as a giant Peep :evil:

Kitchen quests have been good for me, training-wise. I don't restock often and mostly just rely on user shops to get items (which, true, takes time to price out, buy, etc), and I don't spend more than 30k on a quest. Most days I spend less than 100k for all 10 quests. I've also sold a bunch of the items I've gotten as rewards (totaling at least 1/4 of the cost of what I've spent). Not accounting for the items I've sold, I've spent about 19k per stat. If you count only levels and hit points, it's about 40k per stat. The fact that it gives out slightly less than 2:1 HP:Levels means I'm usually getting enough levels off the quests to focus solely on spending my codestones training HP.

Set by KiTeNcHeTu!
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 13, 2024 6:10 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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Some notes on my set:

Bomb: get Varia is the Bomb (25 icons) from Lost Fragments prize shop to replace Thistleberry Pingrenade (13-24) (transfer Ghostkerbomb (21-30, ave. 25.5) from Grainne when get main back if still can equip both and can spare extra slot for 1-use)
Freezer: Thundersticks 100% freeze, 16 icons attack, 100% physical blocker
Blocker: get Thyoras Tear (100% blocker all icons, not abilities) from TVW prize shop and replace Downsize!
Healer: Leaded Elemental Vial 100% heal
Offensive/Defensive 1: Illusens Staff 13.6-19 attack (16.3 ave.), blocks 100% dark, heals 20% if below 20% (~250 if ~1250 HP), "reflects" 75% light as dark but increases damage to 125% and only works if dark is blocked)
Offensive/Defensive 2: Sword of Malum 16.38-21.6 attack
Offensive/Defensive 3: Extra Loud Techo Fanatic Megaphone 15 attack, blocks 75% air
Offensive/Defensive 4: Blaze 10.6-16 attack, 67% water and 67% dark block, heals 16.7% if below 25% (~217 if below 325/1300, can stack with IS healing if still below minimum after first heal)

Other weapons:
Roxtons Trusty Bowie Knife 15 attack, 75% earth block
Turned Tooth 13-22 attack, ave. 15.3
Grapes of Wrath (in TVW prize shop): 24 attack
Wand of the Dark Faerie (in TVW prize shop): ranged weapon, 21-29 attack (ave. 25.4), 75% reflect light, heals 25% if below 25% (~325 if at 1300 HP, can't stack with other multihealers)
Sword of Reif (HT/TVW prize shop): 16.25-24 attack
Kelpbeard's Trident (HT/transfer from Grainne):
Need to pick up another day with other weapons I have (or could consider). For baddies I can beat in 3 rounds or less, it makes sense to have the highest hitting weapons I can regardless of defensive/healing capabilities to guarantee that win before they can hit me. And then it's helpful to have extra weapons on standby that can dual-duty to block/reflect most of their worst icons (while not being blocked themselves). But that's going to have to wait for another day.

Not sure what a ranged weapon really means. Never heard of that before! Apparently it always goes first? Which begs the question, how do I properly arrange my weapons in my set?

Edit: I can beat Tekkitu on hard with Warlock's range + Thunder Sticks + Sword of Malum for round 1, and then I just have to hit "fight" again for round 2 without adding any more abilities or weapons. I'm going to try to figure out my Lost Fragment Prizes and see if that bomb will allow me to 1-shot Tekkitu. No point working harder rather than smarter!

Blue graffitied on my signature... But it made me laugh, so it's all good!

Last edited by Siniri on Wed Nov 13, 2024 10:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 13, 2024 6:47 pm 
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Siniri wrote:
I can beat Tekkitu on hard with Warlock's range + Sword of Malum for round 1, and then I just have to hit "fight" again for round 2 without adding any more abilities or weapons. I'm going to try to figure out my Lost Fragment Prizes and see if that bomb will allow me to 1-shot Tekkitu. No point working harder rather than smarter!
Tekkitu on hard has 750 hps. At the top strength boost, you need a total of 47 icons to do 752 damage in one blow. I'm not really sure how you're beating him in 2 turns with Sword of Malum and nothing else? At best, that would be 43.2 icons over two rounds.
JN's Weapons Calculator would let you experiment with weapons.
If you did get the Varia is the Bomb and used that, you'd still need an additional 22 icons to one hit knock out paired with lens flare or warlock's rage. WODF or GOW would cover that (most times for WODF, you'd have an occasional miss).

Set by KiTeNcHeTu!
Find me at WGF, where werewolf rocks!

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