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 Post subject: Weekly News Thread: 10 March - 16 March
PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 11:16 pm 
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11th March

* Awww... these Petpets seem to be having a lot of Fun!

Image Image
Image Image

* We have uploaded a new page of Poems!

* All of your friends are going to know you like faeries when they see you collecting these new charms.

Image Image Image Image

* Well done starishblue, your level - A-maze-ing has just won this week's Minigolf Spotlight award.

* A new Caption Contest has begun. If you want to win that nice shiny trophy you should start entering now.


* The Bakery has some Veggies that your Neopets might not mind eating.

Image Image Image Image

* A new Story Telling contest has begun.

The pinkish-orange light of dawn glinting off the sea woke Rufus from his deep sleep. The Kougra sat up drowsily, rubbing his eyes, and stretched. Nights always seemed shorter in the days leading up to Gadgadsbogen. There was just so much to do.

* If you like the new Gadsgadsbogen fruit, then you are sure to love these new Smoothies!

Image Image Image Image

* Give a warm welcome to Scorchy_989 the Scorchio, winner of today's Pet Spotlight.

* Congratulations go out to Lamri and X_Space_Boy! Each has proven spiffier than the rest in the Customisation Spotlight. Voting for this week's contest has begun. Good luck to this week's entrants!

Image Image

It was an honor serving you PPT. I will miss you.
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 Post subject: Re: Weekly News Thread: 10 March - 16 March
PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 11:01 pm 
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Location: The Belden House
12th March

* Today is randomly themed: Paperbag Day!

* Now the Book Shop has decided to sell a few textbooks with paperbag covers on them!

* The User Lookup of the Week goes to anyuska for a rather sweet Scorchio lookup.

* It might not be too warm, but a giant paperbag might be a fun place to hide.

Hey! This is my paper bag!

* This week's Gallery Spotlight goes to elfwick for their gallery, Ninja Sock Puppets.

* Four new Shopkeepers are now available for your shop or gallery!


* There is some wonderful new art on display in the Art Gallery.

* Fans of paper bags will likely enjoy using one of these new Buddy Icons.

* There is a new Mystery Pic competition. The answer to the last one was Mmmm... pie Screensaver Thumbnail. 97 people guessed correctly, earning them 20,619 NP each.

* Will Cylara and Gorix be able to find Sloth?

* spillboy wins this week's Meridell Castle Spotlight with their level - Point Land.

* Friends and family will be thrilled to recieve these bags from the Gift Shop.


 Post subject: Re: Weekly News Thread: 10 March - 16 March
PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:32 pm 
PPT Toddler
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Anyone know why there are moon rocks/volcanic rocks in the bottom of the paper bag background? o_O

 Post subject: Re: Weekly News Thread: 10 March - 16 March
PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:50 pm 
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schlough wrote:
Anyone know why there are moon rocks/volcanic rocks in the bottom of the paper bag background? o_O

Heh, I thought they looked more like old moldy cheese.

Set by KiTeNcHeTu!
Find me at WGF, where werewolf rocks!

 Post subject: Re: Weekly News Thread: 10 March - 16 March
PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 8:00 pm 
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I though cat litter... o_O

... on a sidenote, which has greater effect, O_o or o_O ??


 Post subject: Re: Weekly News Thread: 10 March - 16 March
PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 4:19 am 
PPT Trainee
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Location: The Belden House
13th March

* Now Neopets can own Usuki dolls of Gorix, Ylana, Cylara, and the Cybunny Scout!

* The latest Site Spotlight award is shared by summer_surf0483 and Summer_0483 for their web page - Plushies Galore.

* This week's PPL award has been given to the Green Tentacle. Well done Verde, Terrance, Squuuiiissshhh, Inky, and all the others.

* We have a new Better Than You challenger. Can you beat Adee's score at Ice Cream Machine?

* The Coffee Shop has some tasty new tea drinks for sale.

* It seems that Abigail is trying to communicate with us...

* If you are feeling a bit bored you might enjoy doing a bit of Colouring.

* A new Lenny Conundrum competition has begun. The answer to last week's was 346233. 2535 people guessed the correct answer earning themselves 789 NP each.

* This Gadgadsbogen Screensaver is sure to keep you entertained.

* Can you manage to complete knewbs's Pirate Cave Of The Week?

* Pofew owners will be pleased to hear that they can now paint their Petpets Yellow, Blue, Green and Maraquan at the Petpet Puddle.


 Post subject: Re: Weekly News Thread: 10 March - 16 March
PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 3:26 pm 
PPT Warrior
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This is absolutely lovely. I wish one of my pets had this color scheme because this is one of my favorite pieces of art to come out of TNT in a while. Except for the fact that it looks like it has boobs, but that makes me lol, so it's ok.


 Post subject: Re: Weekly News Thread: 10 March - 16 March
PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 9:48 pm 
PPT Trainee
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Location: The Belden House
14th March - Scorchio Day

* Some rather unique looking Scorchios can now be found near the Rainbow Pool.

* There is a new page of Scorchio themed Poems for you to enjoy.

* The Food Shop has just finished working on some new Scorchio Day foods for you to enjoy.

* There is a new Mystery Pic competition. The answer to the last one was Snicklebeast Terror Mountain Colouring Page. 24 people guessed correctly, earning them 83,334 NP each.

* Maybe you can think of something funny to say about this new Caption Contest image.

* Scorchios can be a bit more unique if they visit the Clothing Shop today and pick up some of these clothes.




Shucks! These clothes are cute.

* The Plushie Palace has some new Scorchio plushies on sale.

* Cap'n Threelegs will be giving away FREE training to any Scorchio that pays him a visit at his Swashbuckling Academy.

* The Bug Brothers are causing some trouble in our latest game: Smug Bug Smite!

* Dandelion the Dandan has just won this week's Petpet Spotlight award. Well done!

* There is a new page of Scorchio themed pictures for you to look at in the Art Gallery.


 Post subject: Re: Weekly News Thread: 10 March - 16 March
PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 2:57 am 
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15th and 16th March

* The newest issue of the Neopian Times has been released! Keep your eyes open for great stories and adventures like Surviving the Plot Madness and Living By the Healing Springs.

* This week's Neoadventure Spotlight goes to killrict for Dramatic Irony.

"So we all know Sloth is "evil" therefore you shouldn't be surprised to see that Sloth is currently targeting your position with a rather large lazer..."

* The Toy Shop has four new toys all themed around our latest game Smug Bug Smite!

* A new Random Contest has begun! Good luck to all the entrants, and congratulations to last week's winners.

* Did Cylara and Gorix get out alive, find out that and much more...

* We are moving some servers around this weekend, so if you experience any problems with the site please try again in a bit and hopfully everything will be working. :)

* These Images sure are fun!


* This week's Neohome Spotlight award has been given to dttw04 for their lovely abode - 548242 Neopia Avenue, Neopia Central.

* If you are a fan of the Lab Ray Scorchio, you will be thrilled to know that you can now learn How to Draw him.

* If you want a chance to have your videos viewed by others on Neopets why not submit them?

* The bug brothers are at it again, and you can read all about them in our latest Neopedia.

* The next round of the Beauty Contest is about to begin! Head on over and vote for your favourite.

* The Bug Brothers won't be thrilled to see you with these new items.


These are fun!

* Something has happened and purple Neopets all over Neopia seem to be gradually losing their orange spots!

* Your desktop will be the envy of all your friends with this new Background.

* The latest Faerie Caves Spotlight has been awarded to crayon411 for their level - Can You Get It All?.

* If your pet is feeling a bit hungry the Bakery is serving some special cookies today.


 Post subject: Re: Weekly News Thread: 10 March - 16 March
PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 6:06 pm 
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Editorial from this week's Neopian Times:

Just a random question: if your Neopet is shown as a Notable Neopet, do you receive a notification? Could your Neopet be shown as a Notable Neopet without you realizing it? ~skippery
There is no notification for being a Notable Neopet, nor any reward. It's mostly just a fun thing to look at and see different Neopets and the outfits they wear. As far as notification, players will often Neomail those whose Neopet they see to give them a heads up.

This year's Daily Dare has introduced a new rule. According to this rule, players who challenge AAA but can only manage to beat Abigail are credited with a win over her. I challenged AAA but could only beat Abigail at Sophie's Stew. My Daily Dare page shows that I haven't beaten AAA yet. However, it doesn't mention that I beat Abigail, either. Does this mean I won't be eligible for the Uberiffic prize or Spifftastic prize if I don't beat AAA at Sophie's Stew by the end of March? ~shilpa24386
We are working on this at the moment. If you beat or have beaten Abigail's score when you challenged AAA you will get credited with a win for Abigail.

Hello! I was just wondering if there is any way of seeing how much bank interest you would get with a certain amount of Neopoints? I'm asking because I am really interested in seeing how much people can get! Good job on the plot, by the way. :) You ROCK! ~charlie_ryan
We can supply you with the information that you require to figure it out. :) The most basic account, Junior Saver, gives a 4.5% interest rate. The next is Neopian Student, which gives 5.5%. From that point, the interest rate rises .5% for each upgrade, finally maxing out at Ultimate Riches! with a 12.5% interest rate.

Now you can do something useful with the Lost Desert
calculator we linked to last week!

I have been wondering about this for quite a while. How does the Neopoint ratio for games work? I have seen ratios drop to half their value and I have seen them double (maybe even increase more) over just one or two days. How come there are games where even the highest score on its High Score Table could not get 1,000 NPs from the game while, for other games, one can get 1,000 NPs per play for just a fraction of a score from the High Score Tables? Is there some system to this or is it just random? ~yenneffer
It's an automated system that adjusts the ratio to help balance out the flow of Neopoints into Neopia. We assure you there is no mad scientist cackling evilly whilst lowering and raising the NP output of Kass Basher. ;)

I was wondering what happened to our avatars and fonts on 13 March? They seem to have sort of disappeared for most of us. The Neoboards exploded with thousands of questions and theories. D: ~galaxy__1995
Our programmers are attempting to get it all fixed up as we type.

Hi TNT. Let's get straight to the point. What happens when you make the bank staff angry by making too many withdrawals? I really want to know! ~greeknluvinit
They come to your Neohome and... okay, okay, we'll be serious here. They just refuse to allow you to make any more withdrawals that day.

HI TNT!!! I was just wondering -- I have been looking through the entries in the Customisation Spotlight. I've realised that there are Neopets with two (count them, TWO!) different colors. For example: royal, grey, island, and robot. Please help! ~joanna_a71
We're not sure exactly what you need help with. ._. Post-customisation, Neopets can now be painted multiple times, keeping any accessories from previous colours. Neopets can only have one base colour at at time, though. For example, their coat/skin can't be two different paint colours, but an island Neopet can now wear a Halloween cape if they have been previously painted that colour.

Image Image Image
Oh, the possibilities! O.O

Is it just me or did you guys forget to cancel March 3rd due to a lack of interest, like you usually do? ~cul8er_bye
There was so little interest that we weren't even interested enough to mention it was cancelled. :O

Is there a way to remove items from your Closet and put them into your inventory again? *Hands you an oatmeal cookie* ~0rubymagic0
Yup. You just need to go into your Closet. To clarify, the page where you customise your Neopet is not your Closet. The Closet resembles your Safety Deposit Box. It can be accessed through either the blue link that says "Closet" on your customisation page, or from the "Jump to" blue links on your inventory page.

So I've gotten a Neofriend request recently, but I don't want to be their friend. These are just random people that I've had no interaction with except maybe a post on their topic. However, I don't want to be rude and Neomail them asking "Why?" (or, more along the lines of, "You won't even keep your Neopets happy. Why would I want to be your friend?"). Also, immediate rejection seems so wrong. Will the request just die if I leave it alone, or will it always be there, waiting for rejection? If you print this please leave my name off.
Don't worry about it so much. :) If it really does bother you, you can set your preferences to block incoming requests. Trust us, if some players accepted Neofriend requests from every person that randomly requested them, it'd take ages for their Neofriend page to load. Chances are that, if you wait a month and then reject, they won't even remember who you are. :P No one needs Neofriends like that!

Hi TNT! I was wondering, do you guys have a player counter to tell who is what "number" on Neopets, or are there too many people who sign up in a day for that kind of thing? ~roselle60172
Nope, Neopets accounts are marked by their usernames, not a code number. You're not just numbers to us! Unless, of course, your username is comprised entirely of numerals. In that case, then we guess that you would be a number to us.

Hey TNT! I have a problem that has been bugging me. If you battle the mad scientist in the Battledome there is a chance that your Neopet can change genders, right? What would happen if an unconverted royal boy Draik battled the scientist and got a gender change? Would the Neopet change to a converted female Draik, or an unconverted version because it was unconverted to begin with? Is battling the scientist risky using an unconverted royal Draik? Thanks so much! ~coffeeluvr1992
If you go into the Battledome with a royal boy Draik and the Lab Ray Scientist changes the gender of your Neopet, you will then have a female royal boy Draik. The gender will change, but the clothes and the colour will not change.

Hello, I think you guys should add an obituaries section. That way it will make quests for the Brain Tree easier! Please fill my request!!! Thanks and have a great day! ~daddyzgurl96
Aww. While this is a very cute idea, we're afraid the Esophagor would feel displaced. Maybe you should go talk to him the next time that the Brain Tree stumps you.

Hahaha! Get it? *Stumps* you! You see, he's a tree,
and stumps are, like, cut down trees and...

Hello TNT, I was wondering: has anybody ever thrown an item at you so hard that it broke a bone? ~_rainfeather__
Not to our knowledge, but Snarkie once gave herself a good lump on the head after she fell against a coffee table while spinning around pretending she was Wonder Woman. She claims she was quite young when this happened, but we don't really believe her.

Hey TNT. I was just wondering why you've gone and enabled donating dung? I don't know how long it has been this way, but I know that it really has started to get to me now. Lol. I thought that you all disabled donating dung (don't you just love my alliteration) for a reason? Anyway, I'd appreciate it if you guys could clear this up for me! ~celticessence
Yes, we love your alliteration! We reenabled dung donation after it was made into a wearable item. All dung donated is now sent to the Second-Hand Shoppe (which, unfortunately, is now overflowing with dung). x_X We'll have to rethink this again.

Hello! I was searching for an item with the search bar and, when it listed all the items that matched my search, an item listed as "Skeletal Wings" came up. It said this is an NC item but I cannot find it in the NC Mall anywhere. Where can I get a set of these wings? Is it a Halloween item? Is it no longer available? If so, could you bring it back because the NC Mall was still new when Halloween came last year, so the item didn't really get much of a chance. ~xaviernye
Those wings are the special item that is available through the NC Mall's Winged Mystery Capsule. Capsules contain a random item (or items) from a selected set of NC Mall merchandise (kind of like a grab bag). While you will generally receive an item that is available directly from the mall, there are exclusive items that can be found in these capsules. For the Winged Mystery Capsule, the skeletal wings set is this item.

Don't miss the notice below!

Notable Notes:
Mostly because we'll take advantage of any excuse to use alliteration, we thought it might be nice to mention a few things this week!

~Due to popular demand we will be updating the Beauty Contest so that players will now be able to enter Neopets that are on their side accounts! Yay! Starting on April 4th we will be removing the NP/item rewards (but the trophies stay of course!) so that all of you wonderful artists out there can enter any of your Neopets without risk. Remember to hold off using side accounts until April 4th, though. The old rules still apply until then!

It was an honor serving you PPT. I will miss you.
Click here to join my new werewolf forum!

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