toy wrote:
What should I do? I am not using MSN. Sigh.
Someone neomailed me asking if I am (my_username) and says he is impersonating me! do not use MSN, yet someone does have an MSN username that is the same as your Neo username? And that person is contacting other people saying he is you? Is that right? Or, dis the person who neomailed you the same person who's got the MSN? I'm confused!
Put something on your lookup, like that someone is emailing people saying they're you, that it's not true, and if someone does email them to ask that person to neomail from your account as proof.
Also changing your secret word, checking that your email is correct is a good idea.
If you find that this person on MSN is trying to scam others via email, you could try getting in touch with the MSN people. I'm quite sure that would violate their TOS.