Battling with my pet Anarcheck, I fought Lightningstrikeblast.
I was defeated in one hit... 177 damage.
He did 19 icons (Sword Skardsen and Freeze Potion). According to the IDB Damage Calculator, he would need 400-449 strength to do so...
The pet has the 85-124 strength boost...
Neither of us berserked; we both used drain life.
My 11 icons, at th 125-199 strength boost did only 33 damage. (which is as it should be)
The guy's neomail is full, so I can't neomail him... (not cool)...
I'll have a screenie in a few mins...
Edit: Well unfortunately, my usual upload service isn't available at the moment...
So if you don't trust me with this, o well.
put a space after the url if it doesn't work.
I'm too lazy to fix the transparency that made the words white