Yeah, sorry, too, Cranberry. I also sent you a "raised white flag" PM hehe. And I know you were just feeling strongly about something, not just singling me out to pick on me (or even if you were, no hard feelings either way).
Since this is off-topic, perhaps if you care to amuse my curiosity (via PM or e-mail), tell me just what exactly is the main difference in the phrases you say are so different, indeed one being actually completely improper?
I see no indication this expression is "going out of style" as you say and no reason it should. I love language too, but why the need for rigidity?
Definition: to assume an answer to an unstated question or premise. Take for granted or assume the truth of the very thing being questioned.
I was indeed, not raising a question! LOL I can't even explain myself how this is different, but I feel it is. It is almost like simply voicing suspicions. Sure they may not be founded, backed with proof, but such is the nature of asking a question. Raising it is one thing, begging for it to be raised is another, but that might just be my "off color" (and an unpopular) opinion.
I admit it seems a more "provocative" way to ask any question, but "raising" one rarely got proof and answers (very over-generally); it isn't until one "begs the question" that people speak up to prove the truth.
I mean, reading back the posts, most people were simply asking me to take their word for things. And I did (which is flawed logic in itself really), but I still had other curiosities, suspicions, and questions unanswered (ahem begging to be answered? -- may be a more proper expression).
Anyway, peace to all and it has been a very interesting discussion either way. Thanks to the mods for allowing semi-related topics and digressions.