miz sparrow wrote:
Just a little plug for premium here...
I have to say, using the SSW is totally worth the 7.99 per month... not to mention all the other perks.
Just think... not having to refresh the wiz fifteen times in hopes of seeing a better deal! That used to be one of my biggest pet peeves- you might refresh the wiz a dozen times, and still only see two of the alphabet sections, and never know if something was cheaper elsewhere.
or you might see something in one alphabet section, with prices listed like 100 np, 1800 np, 1800 np, 1840 np, 1841 np... and you're like, wow, good deal, I need to act on this RIGHT NOW!!!! then you buy it, refresh again and find out that on all of the OTHER alphabet sections they are selling for 75 np. not such a good deal after all.
and if you are pricing something to put into your shop, you will find that the infinitely-usable "pricing only" (never affects whether you will be shop wiz banned) is great if you're restocking.
Ok well that's my two cents' worth....
Oh sure, rub it in, why don't you.