Alex wrote:
mazil wrote:
I was thinking of joining neopian rants and looked it up just now ... but the recentish anti-PPT post made me rather sad

(and angry/frustrated)
If you're the type of person who would want to jump to PPT's defence, I'd recommend
not looking them up.
*blink* which rant? I dont remember there being a recent one..
Yea, they tend to be a bit anti-ppt a lot of the time. But a lot of the time, the stuff is decent.
Ah, I just noticed it was actually 2 years old! I'm sure it has more than blown over by now
The problem is, I imagine many of the posts are friends/community-only? So since I'm not part of the community, the rant is the 3rd entry from the top. It's kind of a pity, because it's probably not so encouraging for visiting PPT-ers who are thinking of joining.