Rauven wrote:
Rayen wrote:
I came across something on Ebay today, and thought I'd warn other neopets users.
It seems that people have been selling various "million neopoint game guide"s on ebay for a couple of pounds (or dollars) each which profess to be able to help you obtain x amount of neopoints each week.
You pay a few pounds, and they'll e-mail you a guide to getting millions of neopoints quickly and easily.
Out of morbid curiosity I bought one of these game guides (ended up costing me £2.00 that's about $3.50) All it contained was basic tips such as "play all games three times a day for maximum neopoints" or tips stolen from various neopets sites including PPT!
I just thought I'd give people the heads up, it's yet another case of "if it looks too good to be true it probably is" but alot of desperate neopians may be tempted to buy such gameguides for a quick fix.
Does your morbid curiosity always lead you to spend money?
cause it can get you into bankrupt if it does...

If it had cost any more then a couple of pounds I wouldn't have bought it

But I thought two pounds for a bit of amusement wasn't too bad, and if it happened to have any useful tips I'd not come across, then all the better (unfortunately it didn't
