Ms Manic wrote:
I've just had someone go into my MSN account and change the password so I can't get in. My MSN addy was (though isn't anymore) up on my profile here. I also noticed Gorky that it's quite easy to find out your username from here, (as it is for me) so I guess that just makes it easier for people to try and steal accounts

Thankfully I don't use that email for my Neopets account, and it has a separate password, but I'm still really angry because I have to get a whole new MSN account so I can talk to my friends. Just a heads up anyway.
Aww, I am sorry

That stinks. I hope nothing bad happened with your old MSN account.
I am not a fan of putting personal information "out there" on forums or anywhere else (like some people have done on their lookups). To me, that's just asking for problems. Whether it's from an individual trying to get your information or from "bots" that troll things like forums looking for emails to add for their spam lists.
I don't use MSN messenger, mail or hotmail - my roomie's hotmail was cracked once and she was a victim of identity theft. Fun, fun - NOT. Part of the problem was that she insisted on using the same screen name for everything and I think only used a different password for 2 things.
If possible, use different emails for different things. Use different names and definitely use completely different passwords. If your email has a security question option (most do), feel free to use one of the default questions. But make the answer something absolutely ridiculous that has nothing to do with anything.
As to your PIN on Neo or anywhere else - don't use your birthday, your home address, part of your phone number ... nothing that's personally identifiable to you.
I have everything written down and I also have just about everything on a notepad. I c&p some user names for things, all passwords and PIN. I don't type any of those in, there's no password or other saving allowed on this computer ever since my roomie's debacle.
Lastly, be careful who you talk to on IM. Don't just have it open and showing for the "world". You should try to set it up so only people who you know are able to see/contact you. And if someone you don't know does contact you, you should be able to block them and never, ever follow any links they might give you or accept anything via IM (pics, etc.).