27th & 28th May - Yurble Day!
* The Plushie Palace is ready to celebrate Yurble Day with four new toys!
* Shandinso the Red Yurble is quite the lucky Neopet to have won the latest Pet Spotlight.
* We hope everyone enjoyed the Altador Plot! Congratulations to everyone who completed the puzzle and found all 12 constellations! Enjoy your prizes!
* Now you can make your Yurble look rather fierce with the Skunk or Darigan Paint brushes at the Rainbow Pool.
* Take your Yurble down to Cap'n Threelegs and he will give you some free training!
* Okay, we're just kidding about the whole Altador-plot-being-over thing.

The 12th is coming. We were delayed a bit, unfortunately, but we hope to have it released by next week!
* The newest issue of the Neopian Times has been released! Keep your eyes open for great stories and adventures like Going the Royal Way and Knights of Altador: the Darkest Faerie's Wrath.
* The lastest Shop Blog gives you some insight into the life of a pirate Yurble!
* ARRRRR... if ye be wantin a new pirate Background, thar be one available!
* This week's Neoadventure Spotlight goes to xforeverxdarkenedx for her adventure Victory.
"You are skiing down an extremely steep hill, but are advanced enough to take on the challenge. You go left and right, avoiding crashing into any skiiers or trees along the path.
Suddenly, your skis hit the side of a rock, which send you tumbling forward..."
* Show how much you love Yurbles with these great new Yurble-themed Buddy Icons.
* A new Random Contest has begun! Good luck to all the entrants, and congratulations to last week's winners.
* Why not satisfy that sweet tooth with some yummy Yurble-themed treats from the Chocolate Factory.
* The next round of the Beauty Contest is about to begin! Head on over and vote for your favourite.
* Your favourite avatar is now a Yurble! Erm, your favourite Yurble is now an avatar? Yeah, that's it.
* The Faerie Caves Spotlight goes to kitten1843 for Trapped.
* A brand new page of Yurble-themed Poems is available for your perusal.
* The Art Gallery has been updated with images of Yurbles.