WockyChocky wrote:
Smile, there's a story that you will get more prize points the more difficult the water plant was for you (the more valves turned before you "win", the more points you get)
I had decided to quit this stupid plot, but gave it one more try... pow, it worked. (????) Sorry, no idea what I did, it just happened about 10-15 clicks after a flood. I did hit the archiver and astro club and yurble and necklace guard one more time for good look before I started. And I had been working on the "fiddle with switches 2,3,4 until it works" theory, but gave up on it and left the room to hit some valves. soon it was done.
Oh and I made up the "more points" story myself, but it's a good one, isn't it?

Wow, lookie you made me smile for once during this entire thing! Thanks, and so glad you finally got it. Perhaps I will take your advice and once more (again and again) backtrack through all links and flood Altador a hundred more times. That part is at least gaining more amusement value for me.

I think I am cracking up and going over the edge ..