Ugh. Guys, I got a super-high score in Hasee Bounce today (500+! It was so awesome!) but it said they have to review it to make sure it's valid. score! That was several hours ago (10 I think) and I hope I'm just being impatient and they've not gotten to it yet, being busy people and all...But -- high score! First place! I'm dying here, waiting to see if they let me have it. I'm not even upset they didn't include it in the World Challenge I was in...I just want the trophy I earned fair an' square.
So I guess I'm gloating and crying here, eh?
thesalus wrote:
:( Got 2654 on Eliv Thade an hour ago, but it said my score is being reviewed by the staff. And it still hasn't gone through. Bah.

Got 5 HP from the Lab Ray instead of the usual increase/decrease in agility.
I completely understand! I hope you get it, too.
EDIT: Sorry, I didn't read thesalus's post until after I'd posted mine. And since someone replied I can't actually delete this other one. mistake.