MatrixEquestrian wrote:
Johnnydontgo wrote:
Officer 1BDI wrote:
The Wonder Weezel wrote:
Biscuit=Worst color ever.
I dunno; the Kougra actually looks like it has potential. I will agree the Ruki is an abomination to Neopean kind, though.
If they would simply be NOT 3 dimensional. When was the last time you baked a 3D cookie? (Not counting random contests, lol)
Well I don't bake, but I don't recall ever having a two dimensional cookie. That would be pretty strange, and judging from the 3-D cookies I've had that didn't rise correctly, pretty gross.
*beats math and physics major selves back into their respective corners*
I like both Kougras. The cookie's stripes look like icing, yum

*rolls eyes* Wow, to be taken so literally. If you want to get technical, all images on neopets are 2 dimensional. What I meant was (I can't believe I have to explain) most cookies are round and rather flat. They are not spherical, or cubical, or any other shape that would be considered "3D", unless you're arguing with a friend about physics. On top of that, I don't remember ever having a 2 dimensional pet at all. Welcome to Neopets.
I quite like the Cookie Kougra myself, though I don't think I could take an edible pet all that seriously. Ice is okay too... it's just a shame all the "real" redraws of Kougras are already done - not much to look forward to for the Kougra fans, heh.