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 Post subject: Food Club - what am I doing wrong?
PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 3:17 am 

Posts: 5
Joined: Thu Apr 13, 2006 5:49 pm
Hi all,

I'm so stuck on the Food Club game. I currently use the method where I calculate each pirate's allergies and favourites on the Next Round (+1 for a favourite food and -1.5 for a allergy). Then, I enter the pirate which has the highest score on this front.

However, I've done this many times, and usually I only win 1/5 pirates, or even none. What am I doing wrong? I've seen many food club guides, and they mostly say that method works really well, but it dosen't for me. Also, do I really need to do the calculations (above) as well? One guide on PPT says that that is useless, because the favs/allergies are already factored into the odds. What can I do to improve my win ratios?

Finally, are these odds purely based on the win/loss ratio AND/OR (no idea) their strength/weight, or do they factor in the Next Round's foods (with each pirates favs and allergies)?

Thanks incredibly for all your help <3

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 5:39 am 
PPT Baby
PPT Baby
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Not being the programmer, I can't speak with absolute authority, but --

From my experience, the guide that says to forget the allergies and just look at the odds has pretty much gotten it right. No matter how many calculations you do, this game is still the equivalent of horse racing, and there's no guarantee or secret method to always win. But you can up your average considerably if you're conservative with your strategy.

If there's not at least one where you can get a 2:1 pirate and the other 3 pirates are at least 7:1 or above, then I don't bother to bet that day. Other days, there will be several, and that's where real money can be made -- in the combinations, which boost your potential winnings without raising your risk of losing as much as making bets on pirates with bad odds.

All the same, even with a very conservative strategy, my win:spent ratio is only about 2:1. But it's easy money, so I keep playing. Also an easy trophy if you save up your points at the end of the month. ^_^

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 11:04 am 

Posts: 45
Joined: Tue Apr 11, 2006 2:07 am
Basically, what you're doing wrong is believing that there is a way of determining a guaranteed winner.

The Food Club is a game of chance. That means that in any arena, it's actually possible for any contentant to win. Some have a greater probablility than others, but that doesn't guarantee them the win. A contestant can have the greatest probability with a 26% chance of winning. That gives him a 74% chance of losing.

I personally don't think that you need to do the calculations. Having done them yesterday as a comparison, I think that the odds posted more accurately reflect the actual probability ratios. For instance, in one arena yesterday the calculations(odds posted) were -1.5(3:1), -1.5(13:1), -3.5(4:1), 3(2:1). They both matched on the most probable winner. The contestant that actually won was the one with the 4:1 ration. Going with the calculations, that would have been a definate long shot. But based on the odds, he actually had more than a 21% chance of winning.

In either case, I'd never bet on just the most probable winner and ignore significant contenders. In order to ensure that you'd break even, you'd have to be averaging more than 50% accuracy in your selection of winning contestants.

I'd suggest using that PPT guide you mentioned. My bet history shows me as averaging a 710NP net gain from each bet I've placed. And that includes when I sucked as well. At the point that life took me away from my computer, I was netting more like 15,000NP a day from the Food Club. Including days where I didn't bet because the odds weren't in my favor. But that meant that I was rarely losing, either.

Makes me wonder why I haven't thought of playing it much since I got back. The one day that I did think to bet this month, I was surprised to see a trophy in my user lookup. My winnings were only about half of what I could win if I maxed my bets on the most probable winners. Of course, if I had of done that, I wouldn't have won.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 1:35 pm 

Posts: 5
Joined: Thu Apr 13, 2006 5:49 pm
Thanks guys for all your help - and shortstuff, does that mean I should use the multiple bet idea with base bets, fork bets etc. instead of just betting once on the most likely pirate in the arena? Cheers

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 4:11 pm 
PPT Toddler
PPT Toddler
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What I do is I only EVER bet on someone with a chance of 1:2 and only then if the other contestants have pretty high odds. We're talking 1:7 or above here because I'm rather cautious.

If there are more than one person I want to bet for I bet for them each individually and then as a combined bet. This means that even if one of them loses I do still get back some of my NP.

I've averaged 770NP each round, also including when I was rubbish at the start, and bear in mind that as your account gets older you can bet and win more :)


Neo-user: racheyr

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 4:32 pm 

Posts: 45
Joined: Tue Apr 11, 2006 2:07 am
That would be my suggestion.

If there are many players that are experiencing success utilizing the method of just placing one bet on the preferred contestants across the 5 arenas, they seem to be missing among the players who have been on Neopets for more than 2 years.

The minimum payout that someone playing for 2 years would get if they made the maximum bet that way would be 48,320. 13 rounds into the month, and that would have placed them on the scoreboard....

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