Hi all,
I'm so stuck on the Food Club game. I currently use the method where I calculate each pirate's allergies and favourites on the Next Round (+1 for a favourite food and -1.5 for a allergy). Then, I enter the pirate which has the highest score on this front.
However, I've done this many times, and usually I only win 1/5 pirates, or even none. What am I doing wrong? I've seen many food club guides, and they mostly say that method works really well, but it dosen't for me. Also, do I really need to do the calculations (above) as well? One guide on PPT says that that is useless, because the favs/allergies are already factored into the odds. What can I do to improve my win ratios?
Finally, are these odds purely based on the win/loss ratio AND/OR (no idea) their strength/weight, or do they factor in the Next Round's foods (with each pirates favs and allergies)?
Thanks incredibly for all your help