littleboy6326 wrote:
Whose team are you on has been taken off neopets.

I didn't play it yet today! *sniffle*
good thing I got my free 1800 np yesterday...
Anyway, in terms of good NP ratios, I usually don't notice how many NP they pay per point in the games, but I can tell you a bunch of games that you don't have to be good at to get NP from.
For instance, in Qasalan Caper, or Invasion of Meridell you have to do the whole first level to get any points. Well heck, I'm not good at QC and I'm just not going to spend the time for IoM. Even with a game guide, it is a waste for me.
now, Kiko match, even if you "die" on the fourth round, you're getting at least 66 np per play. And it takes under a minute to do the first three rounds. Meaning that even if you're totally bad, and I mean worse than my 2nd grade daughter, at this game, you can make at least 200 np a day in just a few minutes.
Some more fast, low-skill games (meaning I suck at them but I still play just to get the easy np)
1. kiko match (you can beat the first three levels at least), and don't forget the limited too version!
2. destruct-o-match (if you can't beat level 1 on regular, put it on extreme mode. You will probably get more points that way.)
3. deckswabber (you can pass at least the first levels where the color changes are permanent)
4. advert attack (you should be able to get at least 120 np by passing the first two levels - after that i usually just send score rather than trying hard lol)
5. dubloon disaster (i have to be the world's worst person at playing this, i usually score about 12-15 points in about 5 minutes but since it is not a long game, and you get paid out at 6 to 1, it's pretty cool)
6. sutek's tomb.
7. faerie bubbles. (come on, if you do the first level you get at least like 70 points, and then the 2nd level you could probably get up to 140... that alone pays out 120 np per play)
8. freaky factory (i'm sure you can aim for 30 points per level, plus time bonus, and two levels will get you 100 np)
9. Usuki frenzy.
10. Meerca chase
All that adds up to about... oh, if I'm being REALLY lazy and keep it to 5 minutes or less per gameplay, and if you suppose you are averaging about 150 np per play of each game (which is high for some but way low on others), that's 10x3x150 = 4500 points in 45 minutes or less, or about 100 np per minute.
And my numbers down here don't accurately reflect how long each game takes. Usuki frenzy can't take more than 2 minutes, or you are out of time. Kiko match, if you're just playing the first few rounds, is under one minute per play....