thedupuisr wrote:
spoonguardonline wrote:
The_Big_Chicken_13 wrote:
Neopets Team is kind of slow then for updating. Did they ever tell us that the plot was out? Because a bunch of people don't know about it.
They can't really say when the plot has started. They offer a lot of clues, like answering questions about it in the NT Editorial, and opening blatantly mysterious places such as the Altadorian Archives and the Hall of Heroes, but specifically stating that a plot had started would just be a bit strange, like giving away random sections of the plot. Part of the plot is working out that there is a plot, and if you can manage to be on Neopets for this long and still not notice the Altadorian Plot, then there is very little chance of them ever completing the plot themselves.
I agree, the people that actually need it pointed out to them that it has started would be the people just leeching off others anyways, just like were doing except less honourable

True. Technically, this board is leeching, but I'm sure that the vast majority of people who visit this have worked out most of the plot for themselves, and come either for minor hints, or to help others, or to just discuss, and put down opinions. I'm generally here for the latter.
And Neopets has said specifically that people are welcome to share plot ideas and information, and that it's not like any of the competitions - presumably because each person gets their own individual score, and can feel as guilty or otherwise with their prize. Those who worked for their prizes can feel a lot happier with their work.
Neopets Username: spoonguardonline ... uardonline - Please play, and feedback is definitely welcome.