She bought the Maraquan pb for her Krawk.
Actually, the VERY cheap Scarab Ring would be a good weapon for you. Six icons is decent for your level, and it has nice defense, which you can use because your pet has balanced stats. Illusens Earth Potion is good; mud mixture is not. Also, scrap that hand painted scarab -- it's crap since the downgrade. The purple blob potion is also bad (actually only does 4.5 icons, not the shown 6). And since your HP is so high, sell that scorchstone and get a Greater Healing Scroll for about 30k. It heals 50 HP instead of the SS's 40. I know the IDB says it's breakable, but I have not yet heard of one actually breaking for anyone, and many of the forumites have used theirs literally hundreds of times (I'm also still using the first one I ever bought). Also, you need a freezer, and you MUST buy Downsize!.
If you want to spend very little, try a setup something like this:
-Obsidian dagger (6-8 icons)
-Scarab Ring (6 icons each of attack and defense) (1500 NP)
-Bone Sceptre (very very cheap as well, 6 icons) (300 NP... really!)
-Greater Healing Scroll (heals 50 HP) (30K)
-Illusens Earth Potion (6-9 icons)
-Downsize! (blocks 50% of an attack; a MUST) (8.5K)
-Snowglobe Staff (19% chance of freezing) (25K)
-A one-use item/stealer/shield (sticky snowball, fire muffin, leaf shield, patched magic hat, purple sticky hand for challengers that have good stealable items... basically, rotate in whatever works best)
You should also have at least these three faerie abilities: burrow, sink and drain life. There are other good ones, but those are the biggies.
So... that will cost about 65K, and your green scorchstone will sell for...
550K!? Really? For an item that heals only 40 HP? Wow. Well, in that case, if you want to start building a real set, the pike pike and scuzzys comb (about 550K and 600K, I think) are both nice weapons -- the pike does 9 icons and the comb 10, which is a big jump from what you have now! Honey potion is an excellent bomb that does an average of 14 icons and costs around 800K. Black Frost Cannon has a better chance at freezing (and you are going to need
some kind of freezer if you want to succeed in DoN). It is 400K. If you want to pick one of those for right now, go with Scuzzys Comb and put it in the spot where I currently have bone sceptre.
Once you post a revised set, I (or someone else) can help you with a strategy. But honestly, you could probably beat this challenger pretty easily if you just went the old one-use-item route and pummelled him with water muffins (or even fire muffins, which cost only 2k each and do 12 icons of damage) -- especially if you freeze him on the first turn (just buy and use the snowglobe staff, and if it doesn't freeze, withdraw by visiting the status page, heal by fighting inflatable balthazar, and then start over).
Let me know what you do! And sorry this turned into a novel.