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 Post subject: I got my acct today back but....
PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 2:20 pm 
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Hi guys my acct was frozen on 17th of Feb.filled up the form on the 18th and got it back today.It was frozen becos someone hacked into my acct.
This was wat happened:

on the 16th of feb i was as usual plying NQ11,then suddenly noticed that the trade offered icon appeared,i was like when did i put my items up for trade.holy smoke i went to check on my inventory and found that all my bottled faeries there!i tried putting it back but in the process i lost all my light and dark faeries bottles.Never mind i went to my shop and found that all my species specific BD items missing too!I start to panic,i quickly enabled the pin for everything(i haven actually started using it yet).subsequently i went on to change my password and email b extra safe i wanted to change my pin too,guess wat that bloody hacker actually exhausted all 5 tries.he jus wun give up.everything was normal until the next day when i log in to find out there it was frozen...TOO LATE!I went check on my acct and found that i was wiped clean of my 8M np,paintbrushes,petpets,codestones,neggs and anything tt was food was untouched.whoever was hacking into my acct sure knows wats valuable...sigh...i was saving up for SoS....

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 3:24 pm 
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:( I'm sorry man. I havn't been hacked, but one of my close friends was, and I can bet you are feeling a lot like them right now. There really isn't much we can do, since you can't like engrave your name on the items or something to id it as yours.

JUst have to believe in Karma for now, and hope that whoever did it get's pooped on by a bird or something bad like that.


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PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 7:48 pm 

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I was frozen because someone using a cg'er got into my account and all they did was put something into my shop. They didn't take anything just put in porn or a cg or something TNT didn't like. What is truly scary is that I was on and didn't know anything was amiss until I was frozen

I got my account back a couple of days ago but was told security is completely my responsibility and that it was all my fault. I change my password regularly and clean my cookies before I sign on. It seems TNT expects me to change my password, clean my shop info, clean my gallery info, and clean my personal info everytime I go into a shop, gallery, or user lookup. This seems a bit harsh to me. I guess I will just sit here and stare at my account since that is all that is safe to do

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Escapism is the only route for me

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 8:05 pm 
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Ruthlvcats wrote:
I got my account back a couple of days ago but was told security is completely my responsibility and that it was all my fault.


Oh, wait, TNT was being serious....

That really ticks me off. It's their site, and even if a person is responsible for their own passwords, TNT is equally obliged to be responsible for their own inability to prevent hackers (crackers? What is the appropriate term? o_O ) from accessing other persons' accounts and messing with them. That they're penalizing the victims further, even those who come forward immedately to warn TNT of the problem, is irritating. Besides, how are the members supposed to protect themselves if TNT doesn't even tell them that this... stuff... is going on?!

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 7:46 am 
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Ruthlvcats wrote:
I got my account back a couple of days ago but was told security is completely my responsibility and that it was all my fault. I change my password regularly and clean my cookies before I sign on. It seems TNT expects me to change my password, clean my shop info, clean my gallery info, and clean my personal info everytime I go into a shop, gallery, or user lookup. This seems a bit harsh to me. I guess I will just sit here and stare at my account since that is all that is safe to do.
ok gd tat u got ur account back but are ur items still intact?

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 7:47 am 
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Ruthlvcats wrote:
I was frozen because someone using a cg'er got into my account and all they did was put something into my shop. They didn't take anything just put in porn or a cg or something TNT didn't like. What is truly scary is that I was on and didn't know anything was amiss until I was frozen
wat u mean they put something into ur shop?care to elaborate?

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 8:04 am 
Beyond Godly
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You should a have self-froze and then filled out the forms immediately after seeing a problem. It would have saved a lot of the stuff that I am sorry that you lost.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 2:40 pm 

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moreau360 wrote:
Ruthlvcats wrote:
I was frozen because someone using a cg'er got into my account and all they did was put something into my shop. They didn't take anything just put in porn or a cg or something TNT didn't like. What is truly scary is that I was on and didn't know anything was amiss until I was frozen
wat u mean they put something into ur shop?care to elaborate?

I don't know what they put in my shop, TNT erased it and left a message saying it was inappropriate. So I am assuming it was porn or vulgar language or a Cger. I don't understand the mentality of someone like this or what they think they are accomplishing but I wish TNT would fix the problem.
stampsyne wrote:
You should a have self-froze and then filled out the forms immediately after seeing a problem. It would have saved a lot of the stuff that I am sorry that you lost.

How do you self freeze?
stampsyne wrote:
You should a have self-froze and then filled out the forms immediately after seeing a problem. It would have saved a lot of the stuff that I am sorry that you lost.
wat are the chances of getting it back if u self freeze urself?how are u goin to explain to TNT?"hey i suspect theres someone hacking into my acct so i self froze myself?mind unfreezin me?"

Absolutely nothing was touched that I could tell. I didn't have a pin on my shop or my sdb which in hindsight is stupid but they didn't take anything, not even my blue scorchstone I had just bought from my son. They just wanted to get me frozen. I guess just being mean for the sake of meaness.

Escapism is the only route for me

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 4:09 pm 
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I think the point of a self-freeze is to show TNT you're not further messing around with the account. If the CG'er put something naughty in your shop/pet's page, for instance, and you self-froze, the stuff would still be there as evidence, but only TNT would have access to it (I think/hope). It supposedly shows you weren't invovled and are willing to expose the other party to get the problem corrected. Or something like that.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 4:43 pm 
Beyond Godly
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You can self freeze (de-activate) at this address (it requires your password)

and then you fill out the form explaining WHY and have TNT take care of the rest. Also, when people look you up, it will say that you froze the account :)

moreau360 wrote:
wat are the chances of getting it back if u self freeze urself?how are u goin to explain to TNT?"hey i suspect theres someone hacking into my acct so i self froze myself?mind unfreezin me?"

Exactly that! If you are VERY concerned self freeze and say something like "There was suspicious activity in my account and I feared that I had lost secuirty control over my account. Please investigate (give ALL the info you can to prove it is your account) and reactivate my account if there has been no wrongdoing." Avoid the term 'hacked' and stick with 'scammed' or 'tricked' ;)

If you are not that paranoid, change your password. I hear that it logs out anybody using the old password so they have to resign in. Then change all passwords related to the account , such as e-mail and web access pins. Use different passwords for each and include letter, numbers, and CAPS. Make it easy for you but hard for them. Any words should be mispelled. Example: YnotB2hurd2Guss

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Last edited by stampsyne on Fri Mar 03, 2006 4:54 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 4:47 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Ruthlvcats wrote:
moreau360 wrote:
Ruthlvcats wrote:
I was frozen because someone using a cg'er got into my account and all they did was put something into my shop. They didn't take anything just put in porn or a cg or something TNT didn't like. What is truly scary is that I was on and didn't know anything was amiss until I was frozen
wat u mean they put something into ur shop?care to elaborate?

I don't know what they put in my shop, TNT erased it and left a message saying it was inappropriate. So I am assuming it was porn or vulgar language or a Cger. I don't understand the mentality of someone like this or what they think they are accomplishing but I wish TNT would fix the problem.

TNT always clears your shop description if you've been frozen - for anything. And that phrase "unsuitable" is always there.

I don't know if self-freezing works or not in the case of the cg'ers. If you've been cg'ed and TNT finds out, they have been freezing accounts, even if you changed your password, etc. and nothing was done. One of the things some of these people were doing (don't know if it's still possible) was getting accounts and planting cgs on the victim's lookup, shop, pet description, even guild fronts and galleries. And they were putting them in in white font. So anyone who was grabbed should go in and highlight anything that can be user edited - the white font will show up that way.

Moreau, I am sorry that you were cleaned out. I highly doubt that you will get anything back, it's just not TNT's policy to replace things lost.

The statement you got, Ruth, some other people have gotten when they got their account back. And that I find absolutely absurd and insulting. Yes, we should do all we can to protect our accounts (and anything else while online) But in this case a security problem or coding weakness was exploited which is the responsibility of the site, NOT you.

I still don't know if it's completely "safe", no one has said Boo about this for days. So I'm still not going to lookups, shops, etc. And I don't expect TNT to ever say anything about it.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 11:30 pm 
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everconfused wrote:
I still don't know if it's completely "safe", no one has said Boo about this for days. So I'm still not going to lookups, shops, etc. And I don't expect TNT to ever say anything about it.

I'm pretty certain it's safe now. I haven't heard anything about it in weeks, and the filters were updated in a way that probably removes all holes of the sort the cgers were using. They still haven't updated them in the way that would properly fix all shops/userlookups/etc. perfectly forever, but as far as I know right now is as safe as it ever has been.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 11:43 pm 
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I'm sorry to hear that the hackers got into your account. Your were lucky to get it back so soon. I took they like 4 or 5 months to get me my account back by that time I had already restarted a new account and had re earned some of my trophys. I just wish they could have tranceferred over some of those tyranianne points that I have no Idea how we got.


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PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 3:20 pm 
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stampsyne wrote:

If you are not that paranoid, change your password. I hear that it logs out anybody using the old password so they have to resign in. Then change all passwords related to the account , such as e-mail and web access pins. Use different passwords for each and include letter, numbers, and CAPS. Make it easy for you but hard for them. Any words should be mispelled. Example: YnotB2hurd2Guss

that was exactly wat i did...but i left my account on throughout the night.i opened 3 windows,1 for fishing,the other 2 for the wheels.i guessed that was how 'they' discovered my new log in?cos initially when i first used the pin,the apparent hacker was unable to do anything.until when i woke up the next morning,and i pressed 'spin wheel',the 'ur account has been frozen bla bla bla' thing came out.could he have found out my new password within 5 hrs?(i stopped plying at 1am and woke up to fish at 7am)

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