-If your Neopet is looking for something to read, the Book Shop has these new Mynci books on sale.

-Congratulations to amyishh for winning the User Lookup of the Week! Well done.
-The Rainbow Pool is quite honoured to present the Royal Mynci. *curtsey*

-The latest Petpet Spotlight goes to NightFire, a rather loyal Selket.
-A new Background featuring a couple of lively Myncies might be just the thing for your desktop.
-Select one of these new Mynci Shopkeepers if you'd like a change of scenery in your shop.
-Mekensobek440 has just won the Meridell Castle Spotlight! Can you make it through Choices Choices?
-This new set of Buddy Icons is sure to help you show off your Mynci fandom.
-There is a new Mystery Pic competition. The answer to the last one was Master Vex Collectable Card. 422 people guessed correctly, earning them 4,740 NP each.
-If sandwiches are your favourite lunch-time meal, head over to the Food Shop to pick up one of these new Mynci-themed meals.

-Congratulations to freakish515 for winning the latest Gallery Spotlight award!
-There was a Mynci here just now. Where did it go?
-The Faerie Caves Spotlight goes to cute_angel_248 for Trap, Trap, Traps.
-Beware this new Mynci avatar. Wherever it goes, dread follows!
-A Shop Blog featuring the new Royal Myncies is now available for you to use.
-A selection of Mynci-themed Poems are now available to read.
-The Art Gallery is chock-full of Mynci Day art! Have a look.