21st February - Tonu Day!
*Teach your Neopet all about Tonu with one of these new Books - The Guide to Tonu Armour, The Mischevious Mutant Tonu, Grey Tonu Tales, and Tonu Battle Tips.
*A selection of Poems written by Tonu fans have just gone on display.
*This lovely Sketch Tonu is now available at the Rainbow Pool. All you need is the right paint brush!
*The Tonu in this desktop Background appears to have found something special amongst all the junk.
*There is a new Shop Blog featuring a Spotted Tonu for use in your shop.
*These new Buddy Icons are sure to be a hit with Tonu fans.
*Ted508 thinks you'll be quite frustrated while trying to complete his Minigolf Spotlight level, Crossroads: No Escape.
*We're quite sure you can think of something silly to submit for this latest Caption Contest.
*A few new Tonu Shopkeepers are now available if you'd like a big, strong Neopet to guard your stock.
*Head over to the Food Shop to pick up one of these new Tonu treats and celebrate the holiday.
*This week's Site Spotlight goes to Metatron_neo and his owner, zebraxas. Well done!
*It seems Kasuki Lu may have a rival. Pick up the latest Collectable Card featuring this up and coming Tonu.
*This new Tonu avatar is available for you to collect... if you're clever.
*As always, Cap'n Threelegs is offering free training to all Tonu on their special day (February 21st).
*It wouldn't be Tonu Day with a Tonu-themed Art Gallery! There are three new pages of art for you to peruse.
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