WockyChocky wrote:
Now here's a question: For neostocks, is past performance an indicator of future performance? Are there certain stocks that reliably cycle low-high faster than others? Do some stocks have preditable high (or low)?
To an extent, yes. Of course you can not predict what neopets will do, they cna bankrupt any stock at any given time. A lot of people would push all the neopoints they could into this fantastic stock called JKC or whatever it was, and it was a 'guaranteed' peak of over 100. The one day, it peaks, and then bankrupts. A ton of stockers lost a lot of neopoints then.
So it's not a guarantee per say, but if you go to neodaq.com and click 'stock reportcard' it will tell you (with the details that the webmaster has) how high each stick has gone, how many times they've gone over I think it's 60, and how many days they stayed over 60, etc. They've been graded from F to A+ and can give you an overview of what stocks it pays off faster to buy.
I'm a newbie restocker, I've got about 315k in my portfolio right now and nothing's gone over my sellpoint yet, but one day... *sits and waits*