Hey everyone. To start things off, I AM NOT the hacker. Please, don't try to track me down for revenge. I'm not the person you want to ice. Okay, here goes.
While I was running around deviantart, I stumbled across a journal, and in that journal, was what had happened on Neopets. I wasn't there myself to know. Then, I started to tell all of my friends in MSN what had happened. One of them, started to laugh. I asked him why he was laughing, and he said, "I know who did it." I was really supprised. I never thought my own friend would send Neopets into chaos like that.
He said, it was a well known hacker known as, Soji. He and a few friends got together, (in Japan if you wonder) and hacked into the moderator account.
According to my friend, he had been watching where the system was weak. I'm not to sure what he ment by that. But I know he was just waiting for the right moment to get into the system.
On that note, I hope that proved some usefulness. I just really wanted to share that information with you guys. And like I said, I hope it proved some usefulness.