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Block the ads ENTIRELY - The ads and the white space!

Wed Dec 01, 2004 4:32 am

Alright, well, this does require Firefox...but I have good news. I found a way to block the advertisements AND all that blank white space at the top. Follow these instructions carefully.

Step 1: If you don't have Firefox already, get it here. Configure it, etc.
Step 2: Download these 2 extensions in Firefox after installing the browser -
AdBlock 0.5.2
Step 3: Restart Firefox, then click on Tools - Adblock - Preferences
Step 4: Add 3 new filters:***
Click Add button to save them. Then click done.
Step 5: Go to Tools - Edit User Files, then click on the userContent.css tab.
Step 6: Scroll all the way to the end, then enter a new line:
#ban { display: none !important; }
Click the Save button.
Step 7: Restart Firefox and enjoy an ad-free NeoPets experience.

Wed Dec 01, 2004 4:38 am

If you really want to share your tips regarding blocking the ads, put it in the thread regarding the new layout.
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