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The Wheel of Excitment......Rigged???

Wed Dec 01, 2004 3:48 am

It seems as if ever since the site went down I keep landing on the ? or the crossbones (which keeps giving my pets neopox). Is this happening with everybody or is just my imagenation? o_O

Wed Dec 01, 2004 3:53 am

Oh, its always like that. But you're just unlucky to get the Neopox skull thingy...

The ? mark spot is like 20 times bigger than it looks, so...

Keep trying though, it gives out some AWSOME prizes! (not just the 10k of neopoints, but it can give out rare items too...)

Wed Dec 01, 2004 3:53 am

I've been getting a bunch of different results for WoE for a while now. I'm pretty certain that the most common prize is the Question Mark. But today alone I have gotten: Secret Item, Question Mark, 1000 NP, and the Dark Faerie. It does change after a while. I'm not certain if there is a specific key to success for any of the wheels, I just think it's a randomly generated number that gives you the prize through the program.

Wed Dec 01, 2004 3:55 am

Not to me, I keep getting the 200np one. :D

Wed Dec 01, 2004 3:56 am

watericesage wrote:Oh, its always like that. But you're just unlucky to get the Neopox skull thingy...

The ? mark spot is like 20 times bigger than it looks, so...

Keep trying though, it gives out some AWSOME prizes! (not just the 10k of neopoints, but it can give out rare items too...)

Bigger eh? Hmm I'll go check it out right now. (The site has been really slow today so It might take a while lol) :P

Re: The Wheel of Excitment......Rigged???

Wed Dec 01, 2004 4:08 am

Michelle wrote:It seems as if ever since the site went down I keep landing on the ? or the crossbones (which keeps giving my pets neopox). Is this happening with everybody or is just my imagenation? o_O

It has happened to me twice since the birthday bash blowout and both times I have had to buy the pizza to cure it--because I was stuck with the disease for over 24 hours (despite the multiple visits to the healing-ha!-springs). And, honestly, I really ever get hit with a disease. Maybe just bad karma? That I was due for a hit, after all these months? Or maybe something else? Somebody wanting all of Neopia to get sick--and have to buy that high-priced medicine?

Oh, well, still better than getting the sneezles or the hoochie coochies. Those meds are way overpriced.

I have since learned to tuck a few meds away for a rainy day. It's tough paying 2600 for a neopox pizza when you can remember them selling for 35 nps.

Wed Dec 01, 2004 4:10 am

Eh, I used the wheel again! Guess what it landed on!? ?! I only got 8 nps! :x

Wed Dec 01, 2004 4:14 am

I have been getting crossbones tons lately too.. Coincidence?

Wed Dec 01, 2004 4:22 am

Yeah. The WoE is good.....I got a pond from there. That was the best thing. Better tha the 10k :D

I've been getting the ? and 200 NP lately.

Wed Dec 01, 2004 5:13 am

I've always thought it was timed. I tend to get 35 neopoints or whatever a lot lately, but I did hit the 10k um...yesterday? And, got an expensive item..kacheek life potion about a week ago.

Wed Dec 01, 2004 5:36 am

I would rather get the disease on WoE than hoochie coochies in the war. The cure is so much cheaper. WoE is definitely worth spinning in the long run.
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