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game help needed! *moon rock rampage**whack a kass*

Fri Nov 26, 2004 2:34 am

how can you get good 1,000 distince on whack a kass.....
or 7,000 on moon rock rampage...... post your good scores and how you got them here! ;)


Fri Nov 26, 2004 2:39 pm

Whack a kass: 1172 (still not enough for a trophy :( )

Wait til the wind is at 9 and then try hit it right on the beak, I line the beak up with the background to judge when to swing. Then hold the mouse button down until kass reaches the highest point, then release the mouse button as he comes back down. Hold the mouse button again when he bounces, and release again when he starts to come back down. It takes practise to judge the bounces.

Fri Nov 26, 2004 7:58 pm

I don't play moon rock rampage but I've got a high score of 1165 on kass.

I do exactly as xjox said!
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