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Thanksgiving News

Thu Nov 25, 2004 2:56 pm

25th November

Happy Thanksgiving! Everyone in the USA is celebrating Thanksgiving today which means that news is a little brief as everyone is out of the office.

Now your Neopet can enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner with one of these individual sized turkeys. There are four flavours of stuffing to choose from on sale in the Food Shop.

We know there is a problem with the recent Battledome challengers and will fix it as soon as we can (this morning NST). Sorry about that!

Why not wish a friend Happy Thanksgiving with one of these new Neogreetings?

There is a new desktop Background featuring the Quiggle hero from our new Faerie Caves II game.

Everyone is busy stuffing their faces with turkey today. As a result Better Than You, PPL and the Neoadventure Spotlight will be postponed until next week.

If you stop by the Collectable Card Shop you may be lucky enough to find one of these new cards featuring Armin.

Today's Site Spotlight award has been given to Lorellii and Smartartist0814, for their website - Rellii & Mitsuki's Cookie Kitchen.

Thu Nov 25, 2004 3:09 pm

Already a topic on it *points down*:
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