For Neopets ONLY discussion.
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Currently available for beta testing! Portal Users Only

Thu Nov 25, 2004 4:43 am

Currently available for beta testing!
Portal Calendar
Click here to send feedback.

Thu Nov 25, 2004 4:45 am

I don't get it....

Thu Nov 25, 2004 4:46 am

its for portal users only

Thu Nov 25, 2004 4:46 am

Wait, what? Portal Calendar? Is that the game for beta testing? o_O

Thu Nov 25, 2004 6:38 am

Can you Portal Users please tell me what its like? Thanks. :)

Thu Nov 25, 2004 6:43 am

some screenies would be nice

Thu Nov 25, 2004 7:10 am

Nothing super special, but kind of cute. ... lendar.png

Thu Nov 25, 2004 1:33 pm

How do you get to it? I've got the Portal and can't find it.
Edit-Speaking of Portal, I've just discovered all the new themes for it. Shiny ^_^ Gallery of Evil does look a bit odd next to my Christmas Zafara though.

Thu Nov 25, 2004 11:41 pm

How do you even get the Portal? I've gone to the only premium url I know and all I ever get is the beta test - not accepting anyone and can't find any other info.

Also, do you have to get the toolbar or can you just get (download?) the portal by itself.

Thu Nov 25, 2004 11:49 pm

I get to the portal with so if you are a tester or have a premium account that should work for you. once there the calander is a link on the first row at the top, next to main.

Thu Nov 25, 2004 11:52 pm

It is cute :) If I could somehow make myself remember to actually check calendars, I'd use it too :)

I just stick to a pop-up reminder thingy on my PC :P I never remember to check appointment calendars or anythign like that :P

I was just thinking if it showed your "events" on the main portal page that would be handy... I should go check that ands ee if t does ;)

Thu Nov 25, 2004 11:55 pm

I just looked at the screenies - now that calendar is very, very useful and I would use it. I forget everything! Maybe if I had it written in my regular calendar and a calendar on Neo (where I spend too much time) I'd actually remember things!

I still don't know how or where to even find the portal information to get prices, sign up, features, etc.

Fri Nov 26, 2004 12:10 am

If there's spots open you go there :)

I just added a couple of events, and it gives me different coloured days to tell me there's something there, so i *might* notice it :P

I also tried just for the hell of it, to add a swear word to one event, thinking that well, the portal and it's preferences, (especially the calendar and events) were private anyway, and nobody except myself could *possibly* see them, but it tells me not to use offensive language or dangerous HTML because it's a childrens site :P LOL!

I had to try, is in my nature ;)

Fri Nov 26, 2004 12:25 am

Ma that is funny! I'd probably try it too. I don't see why if your calendar is private you can't write what you want on it.

Just tried that url, got this ... again!

Welcome to Neopets Premium Services Page

We are only offering a limited number of test trials each day so please check back soon to see if any new spots have opened up.

Thanks for coming!

Just tried the and got this:

The Neopets Portal is currently closed.
Our alpha testers are hard at work helping us to make the portal into something great!

We hope to bring the portal to you very soon.

If you are a tester and are seeing this message, that means you are probably not logged in!

You all are alpha testers? Not even beta? Brave souls!
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